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  1. R

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    best pictures of Billy - that's not easy but I would choose this one here *mega drool* and I would add this one A few more thoughtfully Grissom too cool for CSI *gg*
  2. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    I love that one, the wind blows through her hair. Beautiful. Jorja and George - funny *gg* Sara with basecap side view of Sara
  3. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    @desertwind, i love this pics with Billy and the gang. Here is another with the whole gang. My favourite Sara episode, hmm ok 'Dead Doll' is great and I think 'No humans involved' was very good too. @cocoa_girl18, sweet shoot, which episode? Big shots? One more - smiling Jorja.
  4. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    WTF - I think they never read the interview... journalist, that's why I hate them. BTW - there was a similar article in an Austrian magazine (I will scan and post it). Let's go on with Sara pics: Beautiful Sara in Dog eat Dog Her lovely smirk. And a wonderful profil view.
  5. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    @desertwind I love the way she purses her lips in this scene. @cocoa_girl18, Ohhh the last one, her smile, grandiose Promo Pic Season 4 Her lovely smile
  6. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Yeah, the last one is really cute. Committed1 - I love her hair in this one. Committed2 - worried And 2 more of this episode: Committed3 Committed4
  7. R

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    :eek: wow guys! Thanks for all the pics! Hi bumble_bee89! I hope you have a good time here! ;) credit:
  8. R

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    2nd for Monday Doc Robbins 10 (+) Greg 20 (-)
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    CSI Elimination Game #3

    1st for Mnday Doc Robbins 13 (+) Greg 17 (-)
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    CSI Elimination Game #3

    2nd for Saturday Archie 6 (+) Doc Robbins 11 Greg 13 (-)
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    CSI Elimination Game #3

    1st for Sunday Archie 8 Doc Robbins 12 (+) Greg 10 (-)
  12. R

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    1st for new round Archie 9 Doc Robbins 10 (+) Greg 11 (-)
  13. R

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Rocky11: Great caps! Thankx for sharing. He looks so cute. Here a few 'Go to Hell' caps credit goes to
  14. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Heineken, Jorja rocks *gg*. Great pics guys! A few more Jorja & Marg - (Heineken again *gg*) Jorja
  15. R

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    2st for Saturday Archie 15 (+) Doc Robbins 18 Greg 26 (-)
  16. R

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    1st for Saturday Archie 14 Doc Robbins 19 (+) Greg 26 (-)
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    CSI Elimination Game #3

    First for Thursday Archie 15 Doc Robbins 16 (+) Greg 28 (-)
  18. R

    CSI Elimination Game #3

    2nd for Wednesday Archie 18 Doc Robbins 13 (+) Greg 29 (-)
  19. R

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Awsome pictures everyone, the made my day! I really love season 1 Grissom, the black shirt *rr*. Here a few of season 3 Grissom: A Night At The Movies - profile A Night At The Movies - grimly A Night At The Movies - sunglasses A Night At The Movies
  20. R

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    :p Nice one, desertwind. I think I would have the same smile *gg* More Season 2 pics: Organ Grinder Burked Chaos Theory