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  1. K

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    I have a question for you. You're from Germany, right? I was wondering, does any other chanel besides RTL show CSI? I know that Tuesday's it's Miami and Thursday it's Vegas, but it's season 5. Did they show 7th season there or are you still waiting for it?
  2. K

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    It's a clip of moi and her riding on a Harley. The fun way. :D </wishful thinking>
  3. K

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    :lol: How very obsessive fan-ish of us to look up every single film, video and/or cellphone-recorded clip of her and then make screencaps of it. :D And I like it.
  4. K

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Well I'm sure that when you do get an idea for the ficathon it'll be smashing! I'd rather have that than 4 so-so ones. We should get a working group together and brainstorm. But back to the topic: Is there like a video or something? Like, a training thingie? I think I saw on the site that they...
  5. K

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Yep, I got a few in the works. I'm just waiting for my Muse to come back home from her holiday. *daydreams about Salsa lessons from Louise* I've been surrounded with Salsa dancing people for over a year. They are relentless to teach me how to dance. I just might, now. In case I meet Louise and...
  6. K

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Haha. Seems like I'm in the right place, then. I only saw Louise in Hidalgo so far (I fell in love with her diring that failed seduction scene in Lady Davenport's tent). Since then, nothing has been the same for me.
  7. K

    Don't let CBS dump Jorja Fox!

    As much as I love the original cast (and they have been with us - untouched - for 7 years) it's good to have a change from time to time. But I also found myself very attached to all of the characters (true, some more than others) and it would be a shame for me, as a fan, to see any of them go...
  8. K

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Indeed I am. Nice to see you here as well. So what's happening around here? Which screencaps are we looking forward to?
  9. K

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Hello everyone. Kristina K brings you greetings from Croatia. Looks like there's a lot of fun going around here. Looking forward to earning my 'avatar rights' soon. :) Cheers!
  10. K

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Good day to you all. Here's a newbie. Don't be too hard on moi. I am here to spread the Sofia love. Been lurking around here for a while but now I decided to join in the fun. Can I play, too? *puppy eyes*