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  1. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    X: She just screamed her way out of this.
  2. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    Oh, I LOVE this scene. It's Horatio talking to the prosecutor in "Simple Man."
  3. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    That's correct. :) You're up.
  4. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    Yay! That was a toughie. Okay here's the next one: X: She actually forgot your name.
  5. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    I couldn't watch that ep again, the first five minutes of it gives me stomach problems. :p I just realized that someone else guessed that one earlier. D'oh. My bad. Okay, let's try: Show Stopper?
  6. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    Totally random guess: Is it Horatio in 'In the Wind'? :confused:
  7. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    Coincidentally, when I saw that part of the ep, I thought the exact same thing. :lol: Old School Eric would have been more alert, and Old School Calleigh wouldn't have been so blatant about her surveillance. Or maybe I give them both too much credit, I don't know. :rolleyes: I just think the...
  8. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    Is that Natalia in Skeletons?
  9. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    You got it. :) Hagen got so creepy, I kinda wish they would've done a little more with his Calleigh-obsession before killing him off. Oh well. You're up, inthewind.
  10. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    X: What if I don't want it to be over?
  11. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    Is that Horatio in Meltdown?
  12. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Since we're kind of in a summer hiatus, and the theme of this thread is "Back to Basics," I thought I'd take this opportunity to list some of my favorite Horatio moments from the earlier seasons (I'm thinking 1-3, but whatever eps you like, by all means tell it). Anyone else who wants to join...
  13. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    :lol: I like that comparison. For me, watching E/C is more of a Chandler Bing moment: " Awkward. Oh it's awkward. It's awkward." As I said before, the quality of the show is being sacrificed at the alter of E/C, and TPTB really don't seem to care. Too bad Jesse had to become a victim to it as...
  14. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    Thanks guys. :) Glad I could bring some joy to this bleak day. ;)
  15. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    Oh I'm certain it will be and I'd bet dollars to donuts that his death will be downplayed big time. I don't expect to see the same emotional farewell that Speed got. Rather the funeral (if we even see one) will probably be very much in the background. God forbid SOMETHING take away focus from...
  16. Court

    What Do You Think About Eddie Cibrian's Departure? *spoilers*

    Re: CSI Miami - What Do You Think About Eddie Cibrian's Departure? I agree with you 100 percent. I liked Jesse and thought Eddie brought a great dynamic to the show. But the Sword of Damocles was kind of always hanging over his head. Guess the sword has officially fallen and personally I...
  17. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    That's the one. :thumbsup: Your turn.
  18. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Ain't that the truth. :thumbsup: If only TPTB would hire us as consultants to the show. I'd have A LOT of fun with that. :lol:
  19. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    Your observations are incredibly astute and very telling. One of the biggest problems is that TPTB clearly only choose to listen to ONE set of voices in the CSI:M fandom and have completely ignored everyone else. When you've invested time and money (those DVD sets aren't cheap, not to mention...
  20. Court

    Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

    Whoot! Okay, here's mine: X: God knows I won't have any trouble with that, will I?