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  1. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    *groan* Why can't they just let this evil storyline die already? :rolleyes:
  2. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I think this would be a BIG turnoff for ALOT of people and could do WAY more harm than good.
  3. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two Reportedly, the new trace tech. Note the "will make a solid first impression on Ryan Wolfe." Not sure how I feel about that yet. :shifty:
  4. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    Am I the only one who has a baaaaaaad feeling about this? :shifty: If they must give H a new GF it has to be written well and doesn't detract from the team. (This has been a great season so far, with the exception of the death of Jesse.) For example, I personally liked the Mac/Peyton...
  5. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    With you 110% on that. I can't even watch the S4 eps with her in it b/c they make me throw up a little in my mouth. :rolleyes: Please God, if they are going to give H a girlfriend, please, please, PLEASE let her have some guts, a backbone and NOT be the same age as his son. :shifty:
  6. Court

    Episode 9x08 - ' Happy Birthday' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Looks good, can't wait to watch it. :thumbsup: Is it just me, or are they bringing up Marisol a lot this season? I mean, I get the necessity for the Memmo eps, but in this interview DC equates H's pain to her in connection with this pregnant woman getting injured. I'm REALLY hoping that we're...
  7. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics' A new little tidbit. Thanks to DC for his hard work in 200 episodes. IMHO, he made every one of them worth watching (at least once).
  8. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that there are no football delays. :shifty:
  9. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    Saying it might be revisited could be a ploy to placate the E/C ship fanbase (and we know how much TPTB love to use ploys). On the downside, it could be a ploy to placate those of us who HATE it. Either way, if I never see those two hook up again, I will be a very happy person.
  10. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers** So when I first saw this, I thought Christmas had come early ... until he said they might "revisit" it in the future. Hopefully, they will "forget" to revisit it since the how rocks so much more without it.
  11. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    I know, I just saw the results and said "OMFG." :rolleyes: There is no sane way in hell that the E/C drool-all-over each other kiss scene is better or memorable than Speed's funeral. To even suggest as much is sacrilege. :scream: I've given up on the CBS website. I don't even care what the...
  12. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    This looks awesome. Can't wait!
  13. Court

    Episode 9x07 - 'On The Hook' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Did anyone else feel like the writers borrowed a little from "Kill Zone" for the first half of this ep? I kept expecting to find out that Christopher Harwood had escaped from prison or something. ;) I really liked this ep. I thought it was a good combo of action and the science (when was the...
  14. Court

    Lost episodes

    I think CBS has something planned that night - I want to say it's some kind of holiday special but it could very likely be something else. I don't think it's indicative to the show. I think it was always planned to be on off-night for CSI:M.
  15. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Here's a good interview with DC in the Vancouver Sun: :thumbsup:
  16. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    This looks really promising. It will be interesting to see what extent the Mala Noche come back into play.
  17. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    I know, right? The E/C fanbase had to have been out in force for that. Speed deserves better than to be ousted by an icky liplock. I'm hoping Speedle's funeral will beat Hagen's death. Then we'll get our chance for redemption. I wish there was a way to set my computer up to auto vote. ;)
  18. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    I love that chase scene. I think it's one of the most badass chases in the series.
  19. Court

    9x06 - "Reality Kills" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    If you are in the midwest region, the show was delayed courtesy of the Denver Broncos and Kansas City Chiefs.
  20. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    I was just voting in the CSI: Miami memorable moment challenge on the CBS site and I noticed that the E/C kiss was voted a more memorable moment than Speedle getting shot. WTH???:rolleyes: I don't wanna sound like I'm campaigning here or anything, but if the nomance ends up the most memorable...