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  1. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    I don't see why this "kiss of death" stuff is a big issue. It is hardly surprising for actors to be on shows that get cancelled, especially with the soap opera genre, but that doesn't mean each show was cancelled because of Eddie's presence, the shows got cancelled because of the writing. All...
  2. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    I'm certainly rooting for a little girl, hopefully maybe 8 or 9, although seeing Jesse chasing away hormonal teen boys would be funny, but I don't think his character should be centered around I just thought it was because he wasn't working, so he dressed much more relaxed, but...
  3. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    LOL! That line gets me every time! They acted like three brothers who spilled milk and have to decide who cleans it up or tell Mommy! LOL! What a bunch of goofballs!:lol:
  4. BauerAlmeida

    Why We love Miami!!!!

    I came into Miami because of the character of Tim Speedle, and how much I loved his rough exterior hiding a heart of gold. Sure he gave the tough guy act more than once, but he was kind and compassionate at heart, always a guy to do the right thing. And it still saddens me that he passed away. I...
  5. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I think the Three Musketeers is doing wonders for Ryan, for once, he's got a little band of friends he fits in with. Doesn't have to worry about expectations. It's just nice to see Ryan being happy and carefree, and joke around more with Walter and Jesse.;) The scene about between the three of...
  6. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I guess it's to make sure all their new shows start in November on time..... personally though, it really annoys me.....breaks always cause me to go haywire without any new shows to watch......boredom....
  7. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Or maybe it's something that Eddie himself wears so they just kept it for Jesse's character? And if not dogtags...maybe it could be something that Jesse's mysterious "girl" made for him? I just checked out Hostile Takeover, and Jesse certainly wasn't wearing it maybe it's...
  8. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    LOVED LOVED LOVED Jesse in the new episode! Him, Walter, and Ryan are fast becoming quite the golden trio! SO CUTE!! Looks like Die-Hard, Nightshift, and Shorty are gonna take over the crime fighting field work!!!! LOL!:guffaw: I did think it was rather unfair to pit Jesse's tiny little...
  9. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I just rewatched the episode again, and I love it! I haven't been this happy and excited or laughed and enjoyed the show so much since Speed was killed, it's good to see Miami finding their way back to their roots! The three musketeers are just WAY TOO CUTE!:lol: They're like three siblings...
  10. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I found that as Ryan spreading his wings……this isn’t so out of character for Ryan to go along with something that isn’t exactly right….I mean, he did break protocols before..... And I don’t feel like Ryan is trying hard to prove anything to Jesse, there is no need for that, Jesse and Walter...
  11. BauerAlmeida

    8x04 - In Plane Sight ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I don't see him as perfect as much as just this is your normal average nice guy who is kind and sweet, which is really a nice thing to see on a show like Miami who tends to have very complicated characters. And I think the writers are still trying to flush out his character, so give them some...
  12. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I agree with ya! For years Ryan was the odd-man out, even though the team loved him and accepted him, there were moments when it was clear that Ryan still didn't belong with them, that he was somehow still separated, and that the team hasn't gotten over him replacing Speed, there was always that...
  13. BauerAlmeida

    Omar/Walter: Our Big Guy

    lol I just love Walter! He is so funny and carefree! What a goofball! So now we've got Die-Hard, Nightshift, and Shorty!:lol: They could make a great super-hero team! Maybe they'll even take over from Super-H!!:eek::guffaw:
  14. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I think this is the writers' version of an olive branch to the non-Jesse fans and give them something to be happy about, to show that they, the writers, still care about the old team dynamic without shoving Jesse down the fans' throats. For the non-Jesse fans, this should be joyous occasion as...
  15. BauerAlmeida

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    I just saw Bang Bang Your Debt a few hours ago.....seeing Speed and Eric together....seeing the hope in Eric's eyes that Speed might be alive......and then just seeing Speed standing there with that usual smirk on his face....I couldn't stop crying, hell, I was bawling my eyes out! I miss...
  16. BauerAlmeida

    Who Else Hates The New M.E. Guy?

    I certainly don't mind having an oddball ME, heck I watch NCIS and Ducky is more oddball than any ME I've so strange old MEs are a definite hit for me! I think he's very quirky and I love it! The banana scene was hilarious and I loved him calling Walter "Nightshift"! It's nice...
  17. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    I would not expect Jesse to replace Eric, and I don't think anyone on the show is expecting Jesse to be able to surpass Eric or be Eric. Jesse is his own character and that's good enough.;) lol only Colby Granger on Numb3rs is allowed the whole tights and capes only because the...
  18. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Wouldn't they normally mention it in the episode description if there were two cases? It seems like that it's just gonna be about the outbreak.... who knows if they'll let Eric and Jesse cross paths. I personally think it would be kinda cool to have the boys meet and get to know each other...
  19. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    Sorry, it just ticked me off a bit what some people have said about Eddie when it's not even his fault. I'll try to contain myself in the future. lol jumping off buildings left and right? That reminds me of Colby Granger from Numb3rs! I swear all Colby did throughout Season 4 of Numb3rs...
  20. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x05 - 'Bad Seed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    This seems like an Eric centered episode, that's good, hopefully we get a good response to Calleigh's words "You're leaving CSI"....the promo was really sad:(