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  1. CSIAnnStokes

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

    Damn, I'd love to be Cath, I mean dancing with the hottest Texan? I think there would nobody in here say no ;) :devil:
  2. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    Gil to Cath?
  3. CSIAnnStokes

    Just a kiss...

    I choose Nicky first, then Flack and Danny.
  4. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    I guess it's one of the Labrats, perhaps Hodges, but to whom? Hodges to Nick?
  5. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    Greg to Griss, maybe?
  6. CSIAnnStokes

    Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

    Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY ^ just hil-friggin'-larious! Ho-ho-ho! You guys really rock. I wish I could think of such funny quotes, too.
  7. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    Warrick to Catherine?
  8. CSIAnnStokes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    When I see that pic, I just wanna comfort him and hug him and I think "Aaw, poor little Danny" ;)
  9. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    I guess Catherine said it, but to whom? Is it Catherine to Warrick?
  10. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    Cath to Brass, maybe?
  11. CSIAnnStokes

    How many non-US peeps here?

    We can't blame anyone, but his parents that he's so good looking. "Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight" *sing* :devil:
  12. CSIAnnStokes

    Which character...

    I chose Doc Robbins too, 'cause I think Griss would take it the littlest serious.
  13. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    And the winner iiiis.....Sidle_fan! Congrats! (I love that scene *lmao*) :D
  14. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    Thank you very much! "We'll play with these later." (Ich könnte jetzt auch ganz fies sein und alles nur noch auf Deutsch schreiben, aber ich lass das lieber ;) )
  15. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    I got it! It's Catherine to David in "Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp" Das hätte ich wissen müssen! (I should have known that!)
  16. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    I guess Cath to Doc Robbins?
  17. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    Cath to Nick?
  18. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    Great! :D Ok....*thinkthinkthink*....probably Warrick to Cath? (I'm hopelessly bad in this game ;) )
  19. CSIAnnStokes

    Who said it.. to who?

    I don't think it's correct, but just to get the game rolling: Is it Griss to Cath?
  20. CSIAnnStokes

    How many non-US peeps here?

    I'm from Switzerland (no not that one in the north, that's Sweden ;)). Usually I watch CSI:NY on RTL (a German channel), they're at "Some Buried Bones" now.