Search results

  1. Mrs. Sanders

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Had some free time and made two banners... hope you like them! (I'll try to make some more later)
  2. Mrs. Sanders

    CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    ohh well, if you post/send me those pics, I'll give it a try :)
  3. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Oh, I see there are many of you playing that game (so am I) And I agree, Greg looks cute there :) (haha...look at my sign)
  4. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

    ditto :lol: (I'm in love too! :drool:)
  5. Mrs. Sanders

    Signature Banner Challenge - #26 - LV- In The Lab - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge - #24 - Miami: Crazy Crop - Now Open! 04 07 01 MCC: 11
  6. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

    Photobucket is finally working decently for me (at least for now)... so, I'll post more pics... Seven Eight Nine (the lab equipment is at the background) Ten Eleven Twelve
  7. Mrs. Sanders

    Signature Banner Challenge - #26 - LV- In The Lab - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge - #24 - Miami: Crazy Crop - Now Open! haha thanks to you then... for getting me into that game :)
  8. Mrs. Sanders

    Signature Banner Challenge - #26 - LV- In The Lab - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge - #24 - Miami: Crazy Crop - Now Open! yeah, it is! (just discovered it one or two days ago... thanks to a thread someone started here :) ) and that caricatures... had to use them somewhere cause they're lovely!
  9. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

    One Two Three Four Five Six (retro pics :adore:)
  10. Mrs. Sanders

    Signature Banner Challenge - #26 - LV- In The Lab - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge - #24 - Miami: Crazy Crop - Now Open! Sent mine in :)
  11. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    Thank you so much :)
  12. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

    thats sooo true ;) and now... time to pick up the winner of this round... runners up... Gregfan3... with this one and this one (his expression here... priceless :lol:) Scardy_Cat with this sexy pic with the camera :) and the winner is... Scardy_cat... with this one... I'm not...
  13. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    Mine from the last challenge: Carmine AJ George
  14. Mrs. Sanders

    I Have A CSI Music question.

    Thanks! :)
  15. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

    "mega watt smile"... :) Thanks for sending this guy my way :adore: Next theme... it's been a while since we last used a letter... so... LETTER C it is... 12 pics in about 24 hours... show me your best! :)
  16. Mrs. Sanders

    I Have A CSI Music question.

    Hey... I want to know the name/artist of the song from CSI: LV 11x04 "sqweegel"... during the scene where Hodges is analysing DNA at the lab... does anybody know it? thanks in advance
  17. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #12

    long time since I last played... one two three four five six
  18. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Ohh... finally... a decent Greg screentime amount!... thanks to Mr. Z! (I even wrote a comment saying that to him on FB ^^) Amazing episode overall, hope there are more like this coming up :) (and I'm confused by the names thing too... but I loved that part)
  19. Mrs. Sanders

    Forensics Questions

    Well, depending on where it was left. If it was a smooth surface it can be lifted up like a fingerprint (with physical or chemical reactives) or even photographed with a proper scale and identification (and I think there's another electrostatic lifting technique... but I'm not sure how it works)...
  20. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #55: Actors - Results! Oh, thanks! :hugegrin: (and congrats to you for the third!) Didn't see that coming... specially considering I haven't made any wallpapers since the last challenge here on the forum (and that was a loooong time ago)... you know... inspiration...