Search results

  1. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #52: Brass/Tripp/Flack - Now Open! Sent mine in
  2. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Results! Here they are... all the promo stills from this season link (the Brass pics are on the "take my life, please" album)
  3. Mrs. Sanders

    Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge #19 - General: Sweet Emotion - Now Open emotions... *tries to set inspiration mode on* :D
  4. Mrs. Sanders

    Icon Challenge Thread - #8 - NY - Jo Danville - Results!

    Re: Icon Challenge Thread - #5 - General - Lovely Ladies - Results! Congrats to the other winners! It was a very good challenge :D And thank you so much for the recognition award!
  5. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Yeah, I've been thinking the same... you all have said it... totally OOC... I don't think TPTB are so fool to do that either... I don't know why they give Greg so little screentime... come on... almost everybody loves him! obviously more than Ray Langston... PTB should know that and give...
  6. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Greg as Dr.Jekyll? that would be... um... weird?... I can't really picture him as as serial killer... he's got such a "good/nice/cute guy face" (well... Ted Bundy did too... :devil:) (I think I would still love Greg... even if he turns out to be a killer!) But remember those rumors about...
  7. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Really? didn't know that... anyway, hope Greg is on at least one scene!
  8. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    Here are mine from the last challenge (and a bonus track! :D) one two bonus lisasimpson... those walls are good! keep practicing... we want to see more!
  9. Mrs. Sanders

    Is there such thing as a real CSI like on the show?

    Well, I'm not so sure about how it works in the USA... since I'm from Argentina :) Here we've got crime scene investigators, they work at the field collecting evidence and making the general scene procedures and so... then they take everything to the lab to analize (and other people does it...
  10. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Results! Nice... You know I love making wallpapers... so I think I'm in! :D (Thanks CBS for the new promopics featuring Brass... not easy to find pictures of him!)
  11. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Results! What a good challenge... so hard to choose between all those excellent walls :) (I have to say I'm a little surprised... I wasn't so pleased with that Greg wallpaper... and it won three prizes!) And of course... congrats to the other winners...
  12. Mrs. Sanders

    Talk LIMS #8: Final Results!

    Re: Talk LIMS #8: Challenge 5 - Voting! least: 05: The coloring looks strange (maybe oversaturated?) 02: Even though I like the coloring... it's a little blurry 07: There is something with that text... I don't know... maybe you should have made it smaller best: 03: Very nice coloring 12...
  13. Mrs. Sanders

    Icon Challenge Thread - #8 - NY - Jo Danville - Results!

    Re: Icon Challenge Thread - #5 - General - Lovely Ladies - Voting! Beginners: 04 06 02 Advanced: 09 08 01 140x140: 04 02
  14. Mrs. Sanders

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #51: Black - Voting! Wow... tough choice... 6 8 1 text 1 coloring 6 creative 13 most likely to use 1
  15. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Yeah, I liked the scenes he was in too :) And (talking about his style) well, loved his outfit at the beggining... so serious but stylish... and he even looks good on that "electro/rave" clothes! :) (btw, you've just stolen my idea for an avatar!)
  16. Mrs. Sanders

    Talk LIMS #8: Final Results!

    Re: Talk LIMS #8: Challenge 5 - Now Up! Mine's in! :)
  17. Mrs. Sanders

    Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge #18 - Las Vegas: Let's smile - Results! Congrats to the other winners... and thanks for the votes... I'll be looking forward to the next challenge... hope more people vote on the next round
  18. Mrs. Sanders

    Talk LIMS #8: Final Results!

    Re: Talk LIMS #8: Challenge 5 - Now Up! I think I get the idea... hope I can come up with something (is the icon I'm using an example or the subject must take up even less?)
  19. Mrs. Sanders

    Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge #18 - Las Vegas: Let's smile - Voting! Beginners: 8 2 5 Advanced: 5 7
  20. Mrs. Sanders

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    good video! Thanks for posting :) (it was interesting to me... cause I've always wanted to know how that scene was made) I like when George calls Jorja "sister"... so nice... and the fact that we hear a lot of Eric was even better! and I almost forget... congrats for the new thread girls...