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  1. hellogilbert

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    Hehe- random quote- "What've you got hidden in your hand?"- Yankee deserter to Scarlett in Gone with the Wind. PS- Turns out it's a gun...
  2. hellogilbert

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    Here- try these!
  3. hellogilbert

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Sara: "Swing? I wish somebody had put me into Ecklie's Day Shift!" Ha! ERRR- I hate Ecklie! I was just watching the ep where he breaks up the team the other night and I can't help but wonder how he's still alive, much less at CSI (as in not fired!) Needless to say I called him some...
  4. hellogilbert

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    Ok- ohmygosh! What is he puttiin her hand?!!!!!!!! the thumbnail said "spoiler" over it...AAAHHHHHHH!
  5. hellogilbert

    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan *tears...streaming...sob*
  6. hellogilbert

    "Go To Hell" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I agree- Brass was a riot!
  7. hellogilbert

    "Go To Hell" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    As for Sara's case- they said the guy died of dehydration and heat exhaustion. Ronnie drove me NUTS! I cheered when Sara chewed her out. Can't wait till next week! Starting!
  8. hellogilbert

    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan I haven't been so happy since Harm said, "Let's get married" on the first preview for the JAG finale. I have, on the bright side, stopped hyperventilating and am now only slightly dizzy from lack of oxygen...
  9. hellogilbert

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    i just saw the promo after the episode. I think I'm dead. I haven't been this happy since I heard Harm say "Let's get married!" on the promo for the last JAG- and that was bittersweet! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  10. hellogilbert

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    I would bet...well, a hell of a lot...that the engagement ring is in the cocoon. i've been saying that since he sent it! Fans (including me, of course) have been waiting for seven years for this moment! Ok- commercials over- gotta go!
  11. hellogilbert

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    'CSI' Spoiler Alert! What's next for Gil and Sara? As fans continue to fret about whether Jorja Fox will walk away from her six-figure gig on CSI, an insider tells that the Oct. 18 episode will feature a very unorthodox marriage proposal by Gil to Fox's character, Sara. So far, very...
  12. hellogilbert

    Which CSI episode is your all time favourte?

    Way to Go, definitely. But I love Lab Rats, which has GOT to be the funniest ep ever! And Dead Doll, of course!
  13. hellogilbert

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    I KNOW! If you compare some of the other letters to the ones in "the word" it looks like it's "p" or "r" and then "ear" then maybe another "e" or "s" or something. This has been KILLING me since Leaping Lizards aired!
  14. hellogilbert

    Name That Episode # 3

    Yup! Get it- not to be confused with - "Do you trust me?" by Sara to which Grissom answers, "Intimately." *dies* Your turn!
  15. hellogilbert

    Name That Episode # 3

    "Do you trust me?"- Grissom Careful, it's a trick question...cue flashback mode...*sigh, giggle*
  16. hellogilbert

    Name That Episode # 3

    Coming of Rage- Season 4, Episode 10. Loved that line, and thier faces! So cute!
  17. hellogilbert

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    Thanks for the tip! Ok- so a link to a picture of the letter (not the best...) and a link to the clip:
  18. hellogilbert

    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Lame- but posting it just the same: "Lady Heather makes me sick!"- Grissom