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  1. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    happy holidays everyone I must agree, if we would suddenly see that they've been together for a while, that would be very wrong. Personally I don't see that happening, at least I hope so. Otherwise 'the babysteps' would have been totally unnecessary. I like seeing their relationship grow from...
  2. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    You're right, Calleigh saying: 'I don't want you to get hurt' was like a statement. There weren't any real emotions, Eric didn't even respond to that. They should have shared a look... And only one scene?? That was very dissapointing but it was ever more dissapointing that she wasn't involved in...
  3. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    that sounds really promising. It made my day except the part to expect some repeats...
  4. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    I must agree :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::)
  5. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    definately, I love her reviews. They are great. I always look forward to read a new one ;)
  6. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    I'm really happy we'll see Alexx again. I kinda miss her. I just hope we won't get dissapointed again... My mother says I probably will be...she's always so negative...
  7. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    aah wishfull thinking, I like it!!
  8. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    I'm really looking forward for next week, (tnx for posting the promo, I'm going to think about what could happen the entire week), I would like to see Calleigh save herself aswell. I don't know why but I don't like to see her as a victim. She's too strong. Maybe Eric could plan to save her but...
  9. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    maybe it's not such a bad thing Tara showing interest in Eric. Maybe Calleigh will finally act on her feelings then... I don't know. I also don't want to see that they're suddenly together. I want to see it happen
  10. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    :lol: this is funny. The more I think about it or look at it, the more confused I get. But I don't think they are holding hands, they would've showed us that. What I noticed that I hadn't before is that Eric touches her shoulder just before the wife and son comes. Like he's giving her courage or...
  11. J

    Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

    first of all hello to everyone (I'm new here on the board, however I've been following it for while:) ) Second: I was very disapointed as well. This episode could have had some great EC interactions. I also feel a bit better. Calleigh admitting to Eric that she wasn't okay, is a big step. He's...