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  1. H

    Add a Line - Miami Edition

    a death glare from the criminal that was beating Calleigh up just before.
  2. H

    Midnight Talk (Sandle oneshot)

    Kat, this was really, really good. Just brilliant. :D
  3. H

    Add a line Part 2

    wrist muscles[?]" So, the handcuff-lacking Greg decided to...
  4. H

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    Good reason Kat! I love that moment. Sigh... I wonder what would have happened if they didnt have that case... :devil: :D
  5. H

    Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

    Ryan looked gorgeous in the finale, but what's new? Heheh. :D I'm glad he was in the finale, cause I was kinda scared he wouldn't be. And he helped with the case, even though he wasn't supposed to be on it. Yay. But I wanted to run into the TV and give him a big hug when he was blaming himself...
  6. H

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    Oooh, extra chocolatey chocolate cake? With a side of vanilla ice cream? Yumm! :D Thanks Liff. And nice dirty thought. ;) And the Sandle drug champagne is pretty terrific, I must say. But, it may cause the whole thread to get a little loopy off Sandle *looks at people dancing and wearing Swami...
  7. H

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    Hahahah, the first time I saw that my friends and I were dying. It was the funniest thing ever. We still quote it from time to time ... heheh. :lol: Oooh, I remember that! With the maggots or whatever ... correct? Heh, sorry. :p But that is a good point. I too love angst, but maybe he can get...
  8. H

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    Wait... I wanna dance with Swami hats! *finds a slightly damaged and used Swami hat lying on the ground and stumbles up onto the table and dances* Especially after my icky day at school today. Apparently the longest skirt I own is too short, plus I had detention with my french teacher, who then...
  9. H

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    Sigh... I didn't go on the boards all weekend and I come back to two pages (which I skimmed through) and new shippers. So welcome Liff and ... Cathy ... ? Again, i'm terrible with names and I did skim through, because I am very lazy. :lol: Sandle Day? How lovely. I know this sounds corny, but...
  10. H

    Add a line Part 2

    hands tied behind your back with fuzzy handcuffs. so Greg...
  11. H

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    Aww I love the Sandle dictionary! It's so cuteyful and sandlesqueeable ... heheh, i love that word. I miss Sil. But now I have the urge to copy down all of the words and print them out and hang them on my wall, next to the over 100 Sandle reasons, of course. Which makes me think of another...
  12. H

    Sara/Greg #10: He knows that Sidle scent.

    Yay more Sandle poems! I love them, they're so cuteyful. :D And as for that song, GregsLabRat , i'll have to listen to it. I love Sandle-y songs. I actually have a whole playlist's worth of songs that remind me of Sandle that I listen to on a daily basis. Hmm... I should probably start calling...
  13. H

    Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #4

    Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3 Thanks for the caps from the last episode, since I totally missed him. I would have to say, he looked quite cute, but then again, when does he not? :D
  14. H

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    Oh, he makes us all drool. That is why we spend our time posting in forums about him and his sexiness. :D And I agree that he has a reason to be in the finale. Like it was mentioned, him and Sara are close friends, so he would be upset. Hopefully he has more screentime than last years finale...
  15. H

    Add a Line - Miami Edition

    so they slapped him multiple times, which caused Ryan to...
  16. H

    Add a line Part 2

    give some to Greg, because he looked quite lonely as he...
  17. H

    Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

    Awww, what happened? If you don't mind me asking... I love Ryan/Jon in a sweater vest. But, then again, I love him in anything. :D My hopes for season six: I hope Ryan gets his job back, that is if he doesn't get it back in the finale. I donno. I mean, I think he'll get it back. They were...
  18. H

    Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #4

    Re: Eric/Greg: Smokin' Hot Pic Thread #3 Nice Rashomama caps. :D He looked gorgeous in that episode. And yanno, actually had some screentime. :p
  19. H

    Add a Line - Miami Edition

    started dancing to some obnoxiously loud rap music that began to play...
  20. H

    Add a line Part 2

    a freshly baked carrot cake that was randomly on the floor nearby...