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  1. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    I think I would join you on that fainting spell. He ever winked at me...I think I would do more than faint... hehe CSI Miami is on now on A & E. No Jon though, but its got (Rory) Speed in it, I like Speed, but Ryan has my heart.
  2. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Ryan's winks...are..just..yeah, make-your-heart-melt..woo...
  3. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Hehe, thank you, oh yes when you put it that way, there is nothing odd about anyone who likes Ryan Wolfe. Nope.
  4. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    LOL, thank you Twiztid4Togo...oh yes..Ryan Wolfe (Jon Togo in general is just) OOOMMMMMGGGGGG hehe.
  5. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Yay, another welcome, woo. I thank you, and thank you. Yeah I was beginning to think..we all are a little strange, but that's a good thing yay!
  6. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Thank you for the welcomes guys! And the banner, I loves it! Credits in my bio hehe. and Yeah, Ryan just looks oh so sweet. I could just....mhm...*shuts up*
  7. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Thanks ThumpyG42, I'm slowly learning. But its all good, and thank you for the welcoming! WOO *runs to enjoy the thread* And thank you also to Shadowfax, wee I'm getting welcomes left and right. I hope to fit in..but I'm an odd one :D
  8. R

    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7 Congrats to the winners! Awesome icons!
  9. R

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Ooooohhhh....ok...Thank can tell I'm a new onem but thank you for saving me from the rath of the mods. :D
  10. R

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    :D I really need to learn how to make these things. I love this stuff!
  11. R

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Thank you!!!! Very much, muchos gracias!
  12. R

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Can anyone make a banner out of this: It'd be greatly appreciated!!! Doesn't matter what it says on there, be creative! I am just curious if you could! Anyway Gracias! :D
  13. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    *pokes in* Woo Ryan thread! OK so yeah I'm a little late on this one, but...weeeee....just joined so...Ok, time for me to shut up now..
  14. R

    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Muchos gracias,and thanks! Lol, ok, I just said thanks twice, get me. I love that icon, its what I was looking for. :D
  15. R

    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #4 Winners Up! 8 6 3 Good job guys! :)
  16. R

    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Um, ok, so I'm new and..clueless, but I'll LEARN! and I need to know, if someone could make an icon out of this: Please? An icon..anyone? Thank you, if you will. Sooner or later I'll learn how to make my own, right now..I have no idea how to.