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  1. R

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    LOL well no wonder I can't figure out how to post the actual picture! Thank's for pointing that out, duh Charlotte *hits forehead with palm*
  2. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Jon Togo did a great job last night, so full of emotion, so sexy. Wonderful. I loved his eyes last night for some reason. And when he was standing in the room with Eric, leaning against the wall, I thought he was crying (Or on the verge.) poor fella. It was a GREAT show last night. Him...
  3. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Ryan's a struttin his stuff! lol sorry, I had to...GOD That episode tonight was picture post of the day *drum roll* Ryan..and the Hummer..
  4. R

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Thank you!!! I didn't know how it would turn out, I just liked it, thinking about making more.
  5. R

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    ok guys, this is my first animated banner, take it easy on me. I think the dimensions are wrong, but they're within the proper range. It just looks....small. Anyway, any suggestions on how I can make the pictures flow a little smoother??? First animation. I STLL can't figure out how to...
  6. R

    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Awesome icons fo_poozle! I snatched any and all Wolfe ones, if I use, I'll be sure to credit.
  7. R

    Music @ The CaRWash - Calleigh & Ryan Songs

    Ok, so this song, basically is from Ryans point of view (I put a lot of thought into this so dont you dare laugh). Ryan's basically saying that even though he can be distant from Calleigh (its kind of a metaphor, London for distance?) he'll make up for it, and he needs her to help him get...
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    Wallpaper thread #5

    GREAT work Eriss!! I really really love all three of them, but number three is one of my more favorite lol its on my background now.
  9. R

    From the Mouth of High School

    AP Biology Natasha: *Sitting next to me sniffing white out for nearly 10 minutes of the class* Me: Nat, what the heck are you doing? Natasha: Smelling white out. Me: WHy? Natasha: Cause its fun *Sniff* Me: *reaches over and takes whiteout, puts cap on and throws it away, then quotes CSI...
  10. R

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Just kindly run away when you see the pictues lol. My first postie on here... ALRIGHT, so I cut my hair REALLY short so when I get around to it, I'll take a new picture with the really cool hair do. Numero Uno Numero Dos Numero tres! if anyone has any questions, cause i'm sure there...
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    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Awesomeness fo_poozle! I love it!!! Very good work, and great creativity, I have zero of that
  12. R

    Episode #514 "No Man's Land" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    nuh uh cant kill off Ryan wolfe..woo.. but I'm with athlov, I'm not for any of the CSI's getting killed...
  13. R

    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    YAY NEW THREAD *Goes nuts* lmao. yay!! Oh oh oh, we need more carwash moments, I hope there will be more in the newer episodes (praying for it) lol
  14. R

    Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash! [Oops, ok so fuss at me, I didn't see the other post about the chit chat] I love this picture, just the looks they give each other, classic CaRWash. I love it. Cal, you have to be joking!!!
  15. R

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    I want a cookie! ITs Jake Gyllenhaal (I have the movie, Jarhead)
  16. R

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Can someone do a photo manip for Ryan Wolfe and Calleigh Duquesne? (There was one already on here, but I've only seen that one..)
  17. R

    Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash! Awesome we're featured (Jeez I leave and come back i hav a million posts to catch up on) Anyway. Awesome. Go us! WEEE lol.
  18. R

    Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash! Valentines day...hmmm... [Ryan sitting in the locker room, alone, Calleigh comes in] Calleigh-"Ryan? What..what are you doing in here and why aren'tyou out some where with someone?" [She arches an eyebrown looking at him, he looks up]...
  19. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Jeez, I started going through withdrawels lol, I wasn't on here for two days and i found myself hurting cause I haven't seen the wonderful, sexy Jon Togo!