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  1. E

    Ups and Downs for the Day

    Up : this wonderful ballet I saw at the opera : "La dame aux camelias"
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    World Cup 2006 and Other Football Stuff #3

    Yeah for France!!!! Thanks Thierry Henry. At the end it was so ccol. People walked in the street, or were with their cars. There has been noise until at least 1h. So cool!!!!!!!!
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    World Cup 2006 and Other Football Stuff #3

    Yes!!!!!!!!!!! yeah for France!!!!!
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    Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

    One of my friend gave me a page of a magazin with an interview of Emily. It's in french but I'm sur you will be interested to see it. Emily interview
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    Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

    I can't believe I've missed Emily on TV!!! I am not a big fan of this show but with Emily it must have been great.
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    What's Your Blood Type?

    I'm A+.
  7. E

    The Off-Topic Thread.

    This evening I saw a the balet "La Bayadere" for the first time.It was wonderful. Dorothée Gilbert, the dancer who played Gamazatti was awesome. I really like her. I have to post a pic of her. A pic Edit: Big pics goes to links. -DaW
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    What are you reading?

    I am reading a book about the Paris opera. It is very interesting.
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    smack fiction

    I like your fic. It's great.
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    Where you from?

    I'm from France. I live in a city near Paris.
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    The NCIS Thread! *spoilers*

    Re: The NCIS Thread! I have just seen the last episode of season 2. I can't believe for Kate :(
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    What are your addictions?

    I have many addiction : series, internet, Emily... But I think the most important is the dance.
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    This night I made a dream very strange (but cool for some things). At the beginning, i was with friends of my ballet class. We wore costums but I don't know why. And at a moment a girl I really like (who is with me at university) arrived. Suddenly, there was a sort of marriage (but a marriage of...
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    who is the cutest?

    Calleigh of course!!! :D
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    Recent Purchases

    This morning I bought stamps to write a letter to a canadian friend.
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    The Miami Stars Birthday Thread

    Happy birthday Rex!!!
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    Recent Purchases

    An ice cream :)
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    Recent Purchases

    A ticket for a dance show (it was great) And yesterday the last cd of The Corrs
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    What are you reading?

    I have nearly fiised the last harry potter. It's great but so sad.
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    Recent Purchases

    Yesterday I went to a jumble sale at the school of Beaux-arts. I bought 4 old ballet programs of the Paris Opera and a poster.