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  1. M

    Episode #519 'Bloodline' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Just got to see this episode. Scalping was horrible, but was amused at Ryan holding up the bit of scalp and Alexx telling him to leave the body parts to her. Horatio looked good...and slimmer. Also good to see a different shirt. I hope he burned that stripey! He's a real sucker for a damsel...
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    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Today's a scorcher over here! Not a cloud in the sky in really warm as well. Can't believe the weather we're getting over here lately, must be global warmings effects on Ireland!
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    Who Said It? #2

    Yay!! :D X : "You were with them, but you weren't one of them"
  4. M

    Who Said It? #2

    My guess is Yelina?? In Pro Per I think?
  5. M

    The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PLEASE

    Re: The CSI: Miami 'I Have A Question' thread.NO SPOILERS PL Is it UK Living you watch it on? I think they only just started series 4 a few weeks ago...not really sure if they're re-runs or not though.
  6. M

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: Had a baaaad nights sleep Up: Gorgeous Day Up: am back in my apartment =) Up: Did some study Down: just not enough Up: Day isn't over...still plenty more time for loads more 'ups'!!
  7. M

    The Football Thread #4 - It Is Not Soccer

    What a final that would be! I'd give my right arm to be at that! Pretty much a certainty that Liverpool go through tonight with the 3 away goals..unless PSV come out all guns blazing like United last night(but I'm not sure that's very likely). Wouldn't it be just brilliant to knock Chelsea out...
  8. M

    Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

    Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th Not many people by the looks of things. It was just so weird how it all happened so fast. She definatly didn't portray a good sick person. Although it was nice to see H being protective and sort of lovey dovey, only thing it just...
  9. M

    Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter to those who celebrate! Hope ye get loadsa easter eggs and chocolate!
  10. M

    The Official Pets thread

    Have two pets...a dog named Lucky and a cat named Whoshie! Both strays...have Lucky about 9 years now, he was very sick when we found him but he's okay now. We have Whoshie almost a year now..she was pregnant when we found her so we reckon she was dumped by her owners when that happened...
  11. M

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Me and John watched Phantom last night :) Down: Had alot of trouble breathing and badly needed my inhaler which happens to be in my apartment in a different county! Down: Sick again today, couldn't work. Up: Going back to Cork tomorrow. Up: Going to the beach tomorrow. Up: Going to watch...
  12. M

    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut He does but he is looking quite well in the preview so we won't mind the cold!! :cool: I wanted to see H get didn't have to be in a plane crash but I wanted to see him hurt and vunerable. *Very disappointed*
  13. M

    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut *Gasp* I wanna see! *Hates living in Ireland* What did it show in the preview??
  14. M

    Imaginary Friends

    CalleighWolfe Mine thankfully disappeared as the years (hopefully just months) went by...sadly though my mother has never left me forget about it...and at all family mothers do...the embarrassing stories come back...especially this one :rolleyes: lol
  15. M

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To ____ : I do feel terrible for doing what we did today, but you shouldn't have lied and you shouldn't have threatened us the way you did. You brought it all upon yourself. You have lost all respect from every single one of us.
  16. M

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Another gorgeous day today...every day this week has been beautiful! Strange for Ireland :S
  17. M

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    CSI_Dani - Hope your headache feels better :) Up: Was another beautiful day Up: Spent it spinning around Up: Went to the beach Down: Had to meet my area manager Up: Felt better after meeting him Up: I have to work tomorrow and Friday aswell as Saturday and Sunday(I need money so in this case...
  18. M

    Imaginary Friends

    I had an imaginary friend when I was like 4..she was called...*blushes* "wigwa"...I know that's not even a name but I guess I was only 4 - a pretty strange 4 year old!
  19. M

    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut Ohhh, I mean he can't die really...but still...I'm hating the thought of waiting all summer wanting to know what happens if that's going to be the cliffhanger. Although it'll be nice to see a different side of things...a not so...
  20. M

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: I set a new record..showed, hair blowdryed and straightened in 30 minutes. Up: Went spinning around for most of the day with the girls. Up: The weather was so nice. Up: I got an ice cream cone :D Down: Work meeting didn't go so well Down: I've so much study to do for college :( Up: Liverpool...