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  1. L

    Season 8: Returning Stars & Show *NO SPOILERS*

    Re: Season 8: Returning Stars & Show It is the pay rise is what is supposed to happen, it isn't about greed it is about CBS honouring their actors and not bulking at the pay rises they are supposed to give. Remember that Marg and Alan are deeply SAG, so Marg would be fighting for Jorja's rights...
  2. L

    Best Sara/Grissom song

    This is good for angsty pre-Canon GSR..... Something Beautiful Lyrics Artist(Band):Robbie Williams Review The Song (1) Print the Lyrics You can't manufacture a miracle The silence was pitiful-that day And love is getting too cynical Passion's just physical-these days You analyse everyone...
  3. L

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight You know what I have come to the conclusion that the Grillows shippers don't really know Grissom. It is the GSR shippers that do understand him the best. I read comments that Gris and Sara lack chemistry but their very first scene crackled...
  4. L

    Spoiler Rumors: What We Are Hearing

    Billy is an Executive Producer both he and Jorja are vocal in how their characters developed. He has said in recent interviews that he likes the GSR development, they both do. And he did when it developed too.
  5. L

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

    It annoys me that Jorja gets labelled a butch by the people that see to dislike her, she is not at all. It is based on some bad stereotype that sporty women that, don't like in heels and make up are somehow manly. Especially when she is so beautiful and is clearly a fashion labels dream with her...
  6. L

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight Sara wasn't crush. she wouldn't be able to move her hand and the car wasn't dropped on her, it would have bounced and rolled, not neatly with her underneath it.The scene was set to presisely look like another scene. It wasn't a car crash...
  7. L

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight I dared to put this in the S8 Spoilers thread.... got pissed of with the Jorja doesn't matter.. people aren't getting it. If WP left CSI, they lose an Executive Producer too, so I think that the impact would be huge. And WP would leave if...
  8. L

    Spoiler Rumors: What We Are Hearing

    If WP left CSI, they lose an Executive Producer too, so I think that the impact would be huge. And WP would leave if Jorja left because it would devestated the shows credibility and it would be CBS that killed it. Grissom would have nowhere to go but a downward spiral. WP has invested much time...
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    Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

    I grew up belonging to Greenpeace, CND because my parents taught similar pacifist values. I grew up boycotting South African products and marching through London. I am not a vegetarian because I have to many allegies to make it work (various grains, soya, lentils and nuts) but I eat organic...
  10. L

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight Vote 5 and 3... they play the subtly so well...The only problems I see with Gris and Sara are Catherine and Eckle, who would both would stab Gris and Sara in the back if the chance arose. Sara is not going to die without destroying the show...
  11. L

    *Grissom and Sara Love Songs*

    This is good for angsty pre-Canon GSR..... Something Beautiful Lyrics Artist(Band):Robbie Williams Review The Song (1) Print the Lyrics You can't manufacture a miracle The silence was pitiful-that day And love is getting too cynical Passion's just physical-these days You analyse everyone...
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    Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

    I think it is Leaping Lizards.. when Sara reads that letter that Gris wrote her. They start the scene sitting on the bed watching Godzilla and Gris gets up and his Boxer flows. End in the last scene when Gris is in his dressing gown in his office the dog is at his feet. Boxer's are lovely dogs...
  13. L

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight Jorja would not be at that exhibition if she had been fired, she is far too happy in those photos and what ever had happened must have been sorted. Lady Heather is no threat to Sara, if Gris will just trust her and be honest with her. Sara...
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    Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

    I think that is a yes... No way would they let her get fired, they would fight for her, especially William.
  15. L

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight I think that touch was Grissom showing her, he is opening up, that he likes to touch her. But a man does do that slide down the arm unless her is imtimate with her. The touch on the arm like that can send tingles although you. Gris knows how...
  16. L

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

    Notice in the pic of Sara's apartment she has bugs in glass cases on her desk. One and the photo in the red dress is especially stunning.
  17. L

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight Would Jorga be there if she was in a snit with CBS over money? I also wanted to say I just re-watched Crate and Burial and wow, that scene when Gris tied up Sara sizzled, they had raw sex it there eyes and both knew it.It was very sexy to...
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    Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

    It is interesting that Grissom also has a Boxer, which was on the bed with him and Sara. I watched Pledging Mr Johnson last night and it occured to me, that she is beautiful in a suit, she plays flirty Sara very well and that at in the interview room, she looks like a young Geena Davis. Geena...
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    Best Sara/Grissom song

    Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
  20. L

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight The problem with Sara in TGTBATD is that she had to listen to rumors and Catherine was needling her, maybe feeling pleased to believe Grissom was with Lady Heather and therefore in her mind not with Sara. All it would have taken for Sara to...