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  1. texmex327

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Well after much panicking, because that is what I do, I must say that I was pleasantly surprised.
  2. texmex327

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Alright I think its time for me to add my two cents about the episode. 1. Eric = hotness...nuff said 2. Calleigh is NEVER late to work...and well she's late for Eric...hee hee that made me giggle just a little I don't like Eric keeping things from Calleigh, you would have thought that he...
  3. texmex327

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    Total fangirl scream. I was not expecting that at all. I was just expecting them to get back together. Feeling kinda jipped though, I really wanted to see Booth & Brennan's reaction to them getting married. Oh so cute. Booth wishing Brennan happiness and all that gushy stuff...awwwwwww
  4. texmex327

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    So I am still a little giddy over last night's episode...I can't help it, I adore these two. I must say that Eric vs Jake thing was kinda hot. I mean the current BF and the ex BF. You know that if Eric & Calleigh weren't together that he would have tried to get back with her. Loved the...
  5. texmex327

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    Ok so was it just me or was anyone else annoyed with this past weeks Bones. I don't like it when Booth & Brennan try & move on...and I really don't like Hacker
  6. texmex327

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    It could be about his dream. IDK, you know how Hart Hanson likes to mess with us.
  7. texmex327

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    I think there was a sense of awkwardness, but on Booth's party. He didn't wanna dance to close to her because of his feelings. I hate a heartbroken Booth :(. I loved the look on both their faces when they were dancing, almost like it felt right for them to be in that position. Freddy as the...
  8. texmex327

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    ok so I was stalking CBS earlier when I came across the promo for monday night's episode. Take a look above, tell me your thoughts. Eric & Calleigh as a couple have got to finally come to some sort of agreement. This is getting old for all of us. We have said time and time again that the...
  9. texmex327

    **Spoiler Lab** Season 8 - Hot Off The Magic City Presses!

    Woo hoo!! Esai Morales (NYPD Blue) is gonna be on the season finale. That makes me really happy
  10. texmex327

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    I wanna see her fess up, she has to. We know Brennan is scared to screw things up with Booth which is why she pushed him away, but do you honestly expect things to go back to the way they were. It's been two days, and yes...I am still upset about it...damn TV shows
  11. texmex327

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    Heartbroken and crying is not a good thing at all :(
  12. texmex327

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    response to spoiler: AJ-- the spoiler you referenced earlier? I didn't see that, I think someone was speculating. Not sure though
  13. texmex327

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Thank you for all of the bday wishes!! :D
  14. texmex327

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    Thanks for all of the info Faylinn! Looks like an exciting end to the season. I feel so bad Ryan though, he's gotta stop being the fall guy.
  15. texmex327

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    Congrats on the newest thread! :beer: I can't wait for Bones to come feels like it has been an eternity since a new episode. In the meantime, enjoy a little happiness in the form of a press release
  16. texmex327

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

    Re: Emily/Calleigh #13 Congrats on the new thread ladies....I will have mimosas plz :D Ideas for the new title: Funny & Beautiful
  17. texmex327

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    I can't wait for Bones to come back on TV...reruns every night on TNT are not doing it for me anymore. I can't wait to see the 100th episode...its gonna be AWESOME!!!
  18. texmex327

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    Re: Eric & Calleigh #38 I'll admit it, I screamed with excitement when I saw the promo pics for 8x20... I read Emily's interview last night and it made me giggle like a little schoolgirl. I love that she sees them getting married and having kids....a foreshadowing maybe....or it could be...
  19. texmex327

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Ausiello TV has a sneak peak up for the 100th episode of Bones April is too far away :(
  20. texmex327

    Episode 8x17 - 'Getting Axed' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    wow...for the first time I actually enjoyed an episode...and Eric wasn't even in the episode, which makes it strange. :eek: :lol: Repeat after me: I will never complain about my co-workers ever again...I don't want someone coming after me with an ax The last part with Tripp, Walter, Ryan &...