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  1. texmex327

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Bones was good tonight, not great as usual... Here is what I liked:
  2. texmex327

    CSI:Miami RT #12 - 'Road To Nowhere'

    what the hell...seriously. Katie is so self-absorbed. Speed is trying and I am lving him for it... Great update Geni!
  3. texmex327

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds are too funny. If they plan a wedding for sweeps 2010 count me in, I'll buy my ticket now LOL I know that Calleigh is not one to show emotion on the job, just like SomewhereApart said but I do think that this should shake her internally. I know that she feels that she was doing her...
  4. texmex327

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    :lol::lol: HA HA HA me too...She looks like she is trying to pull a Sharon Stone on Jesse...and I think he is enjoying it...:lol:
  5. texmex327

    Grade 'Blacklist'

    Mac showed emotion, and I damn near showed it with him. :( I loved seeing Mac in uniform, I do love me a man in uniform :adore: Lindsay wearing a Whitesnake T-shirt :lol: Flack, poor baby needs some sleep. He is haunted by his girlfriends murder. The poor guy is falling apart, he needs me. I...
  6. texmex327

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    I miss Eric :scream::scream::(:( Ok now that I got that off my chest:
  7. texmex327

    8x02 - 'Hostile Takeover' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Liked Ryan's comment at the end I miss my Eric...sniff, sniff I agree with Natalia (which I dont say all the time) Calleigh should have been with Eric I can't bring myself to like Jesse, sorry guys, guess I am still bitter
  8. texmex327

    CSI:Miami RT #12 - 'Road To Nowhere'

    Does Katie not quit. WTF is her problem. She needs to leave Lori & Scott alone. Can't the girl get a break! Great update Geni
  9. texmex327

    CSI:Miami RT #12 - 'Road To Nowhere'

    HA HA HA!! Katie is getting mad, I think I like sober Speed OH NO, what is Anni getting at..oh wait never mind, I know....LOL Aww....Scott & Lori
  10. texmex327

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    Hey....what did I do :lol::lol::lol: I would love to write the Eric & Calleigh save the world spin-off...but I could not do it alone, so my fanfic writers need to help me out...we will create our own show and it will make all of us happy again. I know I sound like a broken record when I say...
  11. texmex327

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    where there is a will...there is a way...I found the interview....he is looking sooooo yummy... scroll to the left :)
  12. texmex327

    Talk Law & Order Here

    I just gotta say how much I enjoyed Wentworth Miller on Law & Order: SVU, so much more different from his character on Prison Break :D I did like the Prison Break dig when he said that he didn't like to run...well at least I thought it was. I can not wait to see him in more TV roles. Glad...
  13. texmex327

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    thank you, thank you sooooo much for that pic. I posted it on twitter... :D
  14. texmex327

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) Debbie.......I heard this awful rumor that you were leaving the SMACK family...say it isn't so....I'm sorry I've been so distant...please don't go **cries** On to SMACK related topic: This is a bump in the road (a really bad one, but...
  15. texmex327

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    aww....:( I don't want him to go :( any chance you can link the interview, I need my Adam fix...:lol:
  16. texmex327

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Ginnna...welcome back! You recapped the episode perfectly.... I just have one question...WHHHHHHHHYYYYY aren't these two together yet. I loved the final scene where they are working under the sink. They love each other...duh its obvious. The bad lady in the beginning was the one from Wolfe...
  17. texmex327

    CSI:Miami RT #12 - 'Road To Nowhere'

    Aww....Speed is spending quality time with his family... :D Great update Geni!
  18. texmex327

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    HA HA you guys are hilarious...I am still here, trying my best to get Eric & Calleigh into couples counseling...I mean how can they let one little bullet get in the way of their happiness...all in all it is minor stuff. Don't you agree :lol: I really do hope that they give this ship the proper...
  19. texmex327

    CSI:Miami RT #12 - 'Road To Nowhere'

    WOO HOO!!! Go Tom & Lori...kick some butt Tom confuses me...LOL Great update Geni!
  20. texmex327

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Smacked family....I am back. I am so sorry for my absence...and I would have been here sooner but I was trying to get the burning sensation out of my eyes.... First of all... WTF! really...Stella...was Mac being that distant that you had to go somewhere else...:scream::scream: Nothing...