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  1. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    i know something thats better... Mac and Stella going to Greece and getting married. That is the only thing that could possibly be better that comes to my mind... if they do ever get married and we see it they should either go to Chicago (Mac's hometown) or GREECE!! i think Greece would be...
  2. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    OMG Mac in a kilt would be one of the funniest things:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:, Stella would probably laugh and then apologize for laughing becuz she LOVES him :)
  3. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    so do i... even the next episode will have alot of Stella and Mac time in the promo pictures they were in alot together... i guess they just wanted to take a break from SMackedness for an episode even though they gave us the look
  4. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    yes i did write a FF for the episode but it only has a few chapters in Greece... but i think you guys would enjoy it... more readers always appreciated. a lot of SMacked, you guys should check it out. yeah i have HIGH HOPES of this episode just because Melina wrote it... im glad we get to...
  5. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    we are all completely anxious for episode 5.24... arent we. not one of us think that Stella and Mac arent the perfect match. they are meant to be together if not in this season maybe the next... if not the next which hopefully it will happen then the one after that, but we should be patient and...
  6. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    that is crazy because its a mixture of blue and GREEN!!! LOL and they also have their special episode this month... it might actually be a sign :lol: JK i think i sniffed to much SMacked love out of those photos you posted:drool::drool::drool::drool:... which i absoultely love BTW:adore...
  7. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    By the way things are going on here this thread is going to go pretty quickly especially a few days before and prolly a few weeks after episode 5.24. Yeah for the SMackedness:lol: maybe we'll have more of these :adore::adore:'looks of love' :adore::adore:
  8. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    this is my third time typing this becuz my computer is going haywire!!! anyways.... ill cut thisa short cuz i cant remember much... why cant they realize there love for each other... seriously everybody knows it by now?? i would make them realize this... i would go to the closest place...
  9. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 What a WONDERFUL OBSERVATION you got there :) i didnt even think of that... mind is fixing to land in the gutter:lol:
  10. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 i just rewatched the part with the stare... becuz last night i was a little tired and wasnt paying attention much... he does care about her A LOT, he just doesnt realize by how much. his face went from happy to upset... i love what he says as he waslked into the room 'i...
  11. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 i was totally upset with that not but only one SMacked scene:brickwall: ... i wasnt really paying attention to the crime i was more interested in WHERE in the WORLD is STELLA??!!?!?!?!?!?!:mad: better have A LOT more SMacked moments in the next episode to make up with this...
  12. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 MAJOR OMGage!! hey i made up a new word... anyway... if that what she meant by her dating a good guy for her romance with Mac... which i dont think is possible until the season 6 opener :lol: im not saying it wont happen but we'll find out before the l;ast minutes of the...
  13. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 i'm a little slow but i just remembered something... 16 is also a very lucky number for me because in a few months i will be turning SWEET 16!! :) too bad it isnt on the 16 of september... now that would be totally awesome, wouldnt it?? im a littlke crazy becuz i just...
  14. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 what a wonderful thought you got going there... i wouldnt be surprised if they used that in the episode, becuz we all know he cant risk losing Stella:adore: and going halfway across the world to get Stella back shows a really big stepin their relationship as friends...
  15. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 i would be writing more but i have to go to school... heres a thought for you guys to think about.... if Mac mentions Claire in the new epi will he CRY, i can see it now he mentions it tears fall and there Stella is holding him in her arms :bolian: you can only imagine what...
  16. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

    Re: Mac ♥ Stella #16 the last pic of them i cant stop staring at ;)... both of their faces are serious and they mean business... and they R SOOO CLOSE too bad they aren't holding hands:( i love being part of your guys family by the way... im also SUPER excited for episode 24!!!!!!! it wont...
  17. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    i finally got one of these after weeks of trying and glad that you almost have your 16th forum... im also a huge fan of SMacked or else why would i be on this forum...:lol: okay i would list my top ten favorite SMacked moments but you guys pretty much have all of those. the first episode i...