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    ~The Break Room~ - Off-Topic Thread #2

    Has anyone read Twilight? No one in my family wants to read it and i love it so i'm all like AHH! If that makes sense.
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    Merry Christmas,... y'all!
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    Twilight/New Moon!

    Okay, I've read these books recently and I must say, I LOVE THEM! I do believe Stephenie Meyer is genius! Has anyone else read them? Bella and Edward forever!
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    Cult Movies

    ^I love the Goonies! Mouth and Chunk are hilarious.. Donnie Darko! has got to be one of my favorites.
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    "Living Legend" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Wow. Best episode in a long time. The case was amazing and we got to see a little bit of everyone! What more could we want? well i guess there's always more but thats that. Brass! "We go yeaaa! Then the car goes vroooom, then it goes bam!" Or something like that! That was hilarious! Doc...
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    "Living Legend" Discussion **Spoilers**

    LMAO! :lol: I don't know why I laugh because I am a gsr fan! I'm actually excited for this episode. Looks exciting. Hopefully there will be more Warrick and Nick too.
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    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    Greg to Grissom:Yo, Griss, SHOW ME YOUR GRILL! Grissom:(smiles and he has platinum teeth) Greg:YEEAH! Hodges(in a high girlish voice):O-M-G! *shrieks*
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    South of Nowhere!

    OMG! This season is awesome! Ashley and Spencer yay! Chelsea and Clay are so cute together also. Paula is such a b with an itch. I think she's going to walk in on Spencer and Ashely in tonight's episode. oh no! Glen is such an ass. Clay is such a better brother.
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 I thought the episode with the obese guy was good. Gosh I would hate to weigh that much. I feel bad for Wilson. House betrayed him. Well, that's not really new.
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    Rock/Alternative music

    I love the Shins also! "Caring is Creepy" is a good song. Cat Power anyone? I like the song they played in V for Vendetta that was by her. It was called "I found a Reason"
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    Any Good Google/You Tube Videos.

    Go to YouTube and type in Charlie the Unicorn or Salad Fingers! "Charlie! yoooo charlie! Let's go to Candy Mountain!" hahahah i love that.
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    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It's foggy where I am too! NO WAY! haha Hokay, anyways it's a nice gray outside..
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    "Fannysmackin" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    HOLY MOLEY! Last night's episode was INTENSE! I felt soooooo bad for Greggy! His nose was so swollen and his face... :( I'm glad that Sara came to see him and that the team was there for him. I have to say, what the hell is the matter with those kids? How is beating up tourists fun? Sophia...
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    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    You know you're asian when you do the peace sign every half an hour. I SO DO THAT!
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    The O.C.

    The O.C. use to be better. I don't hate it now or anything but it's not the same. Even though Marissa got extremely annoying I don't think the show will be the same without her. Sadly, I'm not going to watch it this season but i'll come here to check whats been happening. :)
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    Crew! You know you love this sport

    Anyone here row? I do! I started and it's awesome. Pretty intense.
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    NFL - National Football League

    GO SEAHAWKS! YEAHHH! I love 'em!
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    "Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Okay DAMN! I haven't been to this site in forever.. well kinda. Anyways this two parter premiere has been RANDOM! Poor Catherine! Taking your own rape kit would be.. I don't even know the word to describe it.. HORRIBLE! At least they got the guy... And as for the ending with the Izzy case I...
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin". Cameron killed the Ezra guy right? Just want to clarify..
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    The Fake Spoiler Thread

    -Sara dies her head bright red and no one notices causing her to have a breakdown -Catherine and Sara get drunk and accidentally pose for "Girls Gone Wild"