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  1. L

    Ups and Downs for the Day

    Ups:TGIF!! Downs:My nose is stuffy yet runny.
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    Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

    yeah that was great! Doc Robbins was all like, "WTH"! :)
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    Travel Thread

    I've been to Europe, Asia, and i live in North America. GOD I HATE AIRPLANES!
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    Dislike An LV Character?

    Re: Dislike A Character I don't care too much for Sophia although she is okay at sometimes. ancienttomb I love Spirited Away! The little soot balls are my favorite.. :)
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    "Time of Your Death" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    Does anyone know what Grissom said in Korean? he did say something didn't he?
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    The Song Guessing Game

    yep! they're pretty awesome. btw, my bad madgeorge
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    "Time of Your Death" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    To be blunt, you know what pisses me off? When everyone just jumps to one conclusion. Some people (not all) are all like "It's getting to Soap Opera like! ahh!". I mean c'mon. Let's see.. Throughout the seasons there have been many episodes with character flirtations. Examples: 4x4, King Baby...
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    "Time of Your Death" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    ^^You could possibly get screencaps at Erica's screencaps website. I don't remember the url though. I liked that episode for the most part. Like others have said, lots of long deep looks from Sara and Grissom. heh GSR! The plot was okay. I thought it could have been a little better. Archie...
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    Best CSI episode ever..

    Pirates of the Third Reich Others are Gum Drops, Play with Fire, and Grave Danger.
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    Confessions Thread #2

    I hated the episode, "Killer" of CSI
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    Post something you can't say out loud.

    stop eating all my food! buy your own, damnit!
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    Add a line

    to Subway to get a 40 foot sub filled with slugs for all the CSI's to eat...
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    The Song Guessing Game

    Idina Menzel "Straw into Gold" "Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi Papa was a copper and mama was a hippie In Alabama she would swing a hammer Price you gotta pay when you pick the panorama "
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    Happy May Day!

    omg! it's May Day already. *must go throw flowers at people*
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    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    The streets rejoice! go nick!