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  1. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    You have got to stop putting these pictures up when I'm at work! I just had a roomful of people look at me very strangely....:D Speaking of all the very nice pictures there are of Louise - I got fed up of going through cap sites looking for Sofia pics. There is now an LJ community for Louise...
  2. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    :lol: I would pay good money to see that! As far as Sofia goes, I agree with you guys. Although my mind started wandering when she wore that polar neck. Couldn't stop thinking about what she was hiding her neck for...then I just stopped thinking for a while. My personal favourites are from My...
  3. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    War Stories was pretty good. Louise can really knock the emotional stuff out with some force. Wonder why a left of centre series about liberal journalists never got picked up as a series? :rolleyes: I'm noticing a theme in LL's recent projects - she's so damn smug and...ballsy. (That probably...
  4. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Oooh...a game! U - Unrivalled (Unless Kelly Smith starts acting ;) )
  5. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    That kinda makes me feel better...It would be unfair to show a pilot if you weren't picking up the show. Just as an aside - if Louise has a development deal with CBS, how come JGAG was on the alphabet? Or was it a Paramount production? (I was wondering...because in an interview she made it sound...
  6. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    sarahvma, I haven't heard specifically, but everything I've seen says everyone will be back. I'd guess that means Louise as well. Apparently the JGAG pilot is still gonna be shown on June 1st? Don't know how true that is. As far as songs go, Dude by Aerosmith kinda fits. ;)
  7. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    LOL...It's one of mine, Muttmo. And because you've been so nice, some icons from the My Kingdom pics you posted. And a special one for the fans of Sofia's swagger... You know you want to... (You have to squint a bit. If anyone has a bigger version of the picture I'll redo it.)
  8. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Thanks Muttmo! I feel more icons coming on...BTW, which version of My Kingdom do you have?
  9. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Pt. III

    Seeing as everyone else is coming out of the woodwork I thought I'd pop my head in. QuirkyKoala, I saw a promo yesterday that had about 1/100 of a second of Sofia - she was kicking in a door (I think, it was very quick) at the very least she busted in with her gun drawn.
  10. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    Hey guys, been reading through the last couple of pages - Les Moonves yanked Louise off the pilot for 'Wanted' (which I don't think made it to air) to work on CSI, and as far as I know LL is signed on for S8. I don't think they'd let her out of her contract completely so she'd be limited on what...
  11. Bullit_01

    CSI Levels and Rank?

    Departments do not mandate a weapon for CSIs. If they wish to carry a weapon, it must be department approved and they have to pay for the initial shooting course, pay for a concealed weapons permit and stay certified by the department. They're allowed to carry a weapon like any other private...
  12. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    It's been a while - thought I'd stop in. I just finished catching up on S7 and I kept watching the 'shoe scene' in Happenstance. I would love to get hold of the dailies for that scene - Louise looked like she was about to crack up at any minute. Or maybe it's just me.. Anyway, hope you're...
  13. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    kellogs: Thanks for putting the site up - much appreciated :) Work commitments mean the regular updates have been abandoned and we're putting stuff up as it comes (every couple of weeks hopefully). Next episode's up and a vid will follow shortly. Is it just me or did anyone else have to look a...
  14. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    LadySaraButterfly As far as I know, you have to be a uniform officer for 4 years before taking the detective's exam. Presumably Sofia was in uniform before becoming a detective - which she was before becoming a CSI. Although TPTB play fast and loose with the rules sometimes. Explains some of...
  15. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    Thanks I have a picture of Louise as a pixie stuck in my head - I really need to get some sleep before it gets stuck there... :rolleyes:
  16. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    Nice pic, LadySaraButterfly! Just a question...I read somewhere else (can't remember where) that TPTB are gonna use season 7 for 'character storylines'. Do you think that means Sofia's finally gonna get a backstory? (Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?) :) Forgive me if S7 is full of...
  17. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    HIPS! How can you not mention the hips? You could set you're watch by them. Anyway...I'm gonna calm down now. I go to a conference and you guys post a new page - give a guy a break. I always feel less is more...;) I'm getting the urge to be lazy and stop writing now.
  18. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    Forgot to say, please feel free to give feedback cos we want to get everything right. And especially for you - the next episode's called 'Postal' make of that what you will...
  19. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    Our first episode's finished if you guys want to read it - be kind though :) I think I've got RSI after typing it all up on to the site. Changing the subject - I rewatched Unusual Suspects and something hit me in the face: at the beginning, Sofia says "I looked him in the eye when he confessed...
  20. Bullit_01

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    It's ready! The layout's done and the preview is up! I'll post another preview next week and maybe another before the ep goes up. It's our first serious project so I don't promise perfection. Feel free to comment on the contact page - if you'd met the Bullit Productions team you'd know we need...