Search results

  1. 7

    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    Ok, here are mine: action scenes: - definitely rescuing Lindsey in LHB (plus if we realized how it was make) Excellent. and three that are not probably that action but i like them - Nesting Dolls: Catherine and Grissom trying to get the buried body from tar (where, at the end Griss destroyes...
  2. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Oh I very much agree with Deirdre. I'm a big fan Cath/Sara relationship and as Deirdre mentioned I also thing that Cath is the best person for Sara on who she can rely on. It's also a shame that we have only our memories and fantasy. Btw, 2 days ago I watched the episode Bite Me again. OMG, what...
  3. 7

    Where Did You Get Your Username?

    "77" is my birth day year and "MrsBrooks" is one of the character played by my beloved Marg "Margalicious"Helgenberger
  4. 7

    Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates Oh yes please!! Plus it's a commercial heaven. I bet they would earn a fortune with such an Alternate Ending ... !!!:devil:
  5. 7

    Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates Hey, I saw it too!!! And as for the "deleted scene with adult content" Erica mentioned few lines above, I'm all for this buble ...:lol:
  6. 7

    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    Agree with Erica and kc_from_kc. Leaving CSI would give Marg a new opportunity to get another big roles that she really deserves. And I will just paraphrased Erica's comment, I will support Marg whatever she decises to do, leaving or staying in the show or just dancing mad around a...
  7. 7

    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    hmm, that's interesting ... hope stays but i get her point. i do really like csi but i must admit that marg is the reason i'm still watching the show ... so i guess i wouldn't be able to watch it without her. let's see :shifty:
  8. 7

    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    :), i well think that Catherine need a female friend and I'm open to many options but I think it really could work with Sara, definitelly with Lady H and even Wendy. And as for the article. I've been a big fan of CARA (or CSI Thongs), Cath&Sara relationship. For me there is always lots of...
  9. 7

    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    I really like what you said about Marg. It is sooo true. We love you, Margalicious
  10. 7

    Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates Thanks for a warm welcome:) I'm sure she's taking care of all his stuff. Like she used to do it in the past ... I know Catherine is just Catherine and that's why I love her so much, her personality is incredible (among other things...;)):lol:
  11. 7

    Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates Sure, no worries. There are lots of people who are PureJoy shippers. I know that we are minority probably but still ... who cares! We are here and we love Cath & Gil together. It's PureJoy that matters ...;):lol:
  12. 7

    Welcome To The LV Forum, Please Introduce Yourself!

    Hey. Well, i watch CSI online in English without subtitles but the show also runs in out TV. It is dubbed. And as for voices ... well, i would not say that they are similar (for example Marg has very tempting colorful voice which our actress does not have) but generally it is not that bad ...
  13. 7

    Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates :lol: you're absolutely right. Personally i must admit that I would not be that patient with him sometimes you know ... well, on the other hand i can easily imagine Catherine loosing all her patience with him too ... he was totally impossible...
  14. 7

    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    Wow, I DO like it ... yeah probably it is too hot for this board. Waiting, have you thought about make it a longer and post it as a fanfic..;) My brain is on 'overloaded' now ...:lol:
  15. 7

    CSI:Las Vegas - Who's Your OTP??

    My main ships are Thongs (Cath/Sara) and Grillows. And my really favorite one is Bugman and his Butterflies :thumbsup: Gil, Cath and Sara in a nice working relationship is be something I would ike to see ...;)
  16. 7

    Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #30: PureJoy – Sexy CSI Soul Mates Hey. No, i'm feeling the same. Every time when think about any PureJoy moments i'm kinda sad ... and the last scene ... omg ... it was so incredible. So sexy and full of tension. I must say that for me, those few moments that Cath and Gil had...
  17. 7

    If you were a GUEST STAR on CSI, which role would you choose?

    I'd like to play such as funny loser like was Max Sullivan in Loco Motives ... someone who makes Catherine burst into laugh TWICE in ONE episode is a character I'd like to be ...:thumbsup::lol:
  18. 7

    How Old Are Most CSI LV Fans?

    I'm in the category 25-35