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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Phew, I'm happy to hear that they have not met with a mysterious boating accident or some other trauma. World domination eh? :cool: Their secret is safe with me. ;) I completely agree. My heart can't take much more disappointment. I just hope that TPTB sneak in here to get inspiration from all...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    It seems like forever since the last time I had a chance to explore the world of YoBling, but I guess that's what happens when an international film festival takes over your town. Anyways, imagine my surprise when I logged in a saw a poll...Yipee! :D (I love quizzes and stuff like that.) I...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    That is the episode where we first meet Horatio and the gang in Miami (It was the pilot for CSI: Miami). Grissom sends Catherine to find a missing mother and daughter, and he tells her to take Warrick, because Warrick's "never been to Florida". :D There isn't any YoBling angst/flirting :(...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Welcome hollie! Pull up a chair and stay awhile. :) Oh ruzila, you are so spot on with that! I just get so frustrated and hope that season 7 isn't a complete waste of time. *keeps fingers crossed* I agree with what AngelEyez said too. I want to see every small bit of YoBling develop - I am...
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    Important Announcement - ALL POSTERS PLEASE READ & REPLY

    Wise words to live by - Message received and noted.
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    I just finished watching "High and Low" on Spike. I had totally forgotten that there was YoBling right at the very end... Yay! :) Catherine is in the locker room and Warrick walks in. C - "Hey, I heard you know your Greek mythology. I'm impressed. Never would've guessed." W - "Yeah, I'm a...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    That is too funny AngelEyez! Maybe he invested in a whole line of themed accessories - boxer shorts, socks, mousepads, coffee mugs, pens - the sky is the limit! :lol:
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Welcome CSI_Ali! Don't fight it, when it's right, it's right. :D Besides, all it will take is the serious eye-sexage of Big Middle and you'll be a true believer! ;) Hottie_Cath! Now you've gone and done it! :cool: Your fabulous visual stroll down memory lane has ignited my desire to watch...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Oh Hottie_Cath, you are too funny :lol: I have to admit it's true, I am a sucker for angst. YoBling starvation has set in so bad, that I would even be happy with them just standing in the same room, not saying anything. :p But then, we all know they don't need words. They can do all sorts of...
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    Announcements - All Posters Please Read.

    It all makes sense to me. Thank you for the summary/info.
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    I'm not sure that I could deal with that kind of revelation ruzila. :eek: I could see TPTB pull a stunt like that though - "Oh yeah, we goofed with the Tina storyline and couldn't figure out a way to get out of it gracefully, so here's our instant solution!" *shudders* I love YoBling for all...
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    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    *Tiptoes in quietly* WOW. The rumors are true - there really is an Archie-centric thread. WHOOPEE!!! :D I am fairly new to the board and have spent almost all my time in the universe of YoBling (my obsession), but am very happy that there is a place for my secret crush. OOOPS, it's secret...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Hangs head in shame...Sorry. :( I totally didn't know. Won't do it again. Promise. :)
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Thanks for the wonderful feedback ruzila *blushes with embarrassement* :o I really haven't written any other FF before. I love Cath & Warrick - always have, always will. They are my inspiration. They make it easy. And guess what? :eek: Chapter 5 of "Thirst" is up link removed due to M...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    I am totally there with you WillowsWannaBe...Well maybe not really there with you, but you know what I mean ;) I would also like to see them get into it on Grissom's desk :eek: And then there's ballistics - lots of "loaded guns" :lol: Where the heck is everybody??? It's like a ghost town...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Hottie_Cath! Happy (very) belated B-Day!!! I must apologize for my tardiness in wishing you well, but I've been out of town. I hope your day was loads of fun. Will you forgive me? I come bearing gifts... :D The next chapter of Thirst is up here, AKA "Pool Party - Part One" ;). Part Two...
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    It's Me Again

    Read it and understood.
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Okay Fabian, here goes (I hope I get them all)... Season 1: Sex, Lies & Larvae Season 2: Bully for You Chaos Theory The Finger Cross Jurisdictions Season 3: Little Murder - this is one of my faves Season 4: Homebodies Turn of the Screws Invisible Evidence Season 5: Big Middle - Another...
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    Who would you like to guest star on CSI?

    Ooooh, Karl Urban, good one melbel. Although I'm not sure about him being Sara's brother...From what I've seen of his work, and I haven't seen enough for my liking ;), he seems a little too edgy for that role. I would probably make him a mysterious new love interest, with a shady past (of...
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    Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

    Ah, Hottie_Cath, you read my mind about half naked Warrick. Never fear, he will be there in all his glory. :devil: I have " Greg's Anatomy " to thank for inspiring me to include Greg in this latest chapter. I'm not through with him yet either ;) I am off to a pool party myself this...