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  1. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Welcome to our 13th Sandle thread! Can you believe it? We've made it to 13. And it's definitely not unlucky, because we have Skell, our lucky charm. :D Hugs to all of you faithful Sandle shippers! We're the shippers of hope. Hope is what we hold onto; there's still hope for the best ship of...
  2. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Whoa we've hit our 1000 posts! Time for a new thread. I guess I'm going to open it, since Hestia is not here right now... I hope it's okay, hun! EDIT: Here's the link to the new thread:
  3. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Yeah that scene could've been so amazing if Greg hadn't turned away. I do think it's cute how it is now because it shows what a shy and sweet guy Greggo is, but aahh, what if he hadn't turned away? <3. What if he'd just said: "You could? So do it." I wonder what Sara wouldn't done then... :D
  4. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    You are welcome Hestia! It would be awesome if you opened it, because you always have these lovely smilies decorating your posts! I love them. :D And if you happen not to be online by that time and I am, I will do it. But let's hope you can do it! :) Alright, funny question: if for Christmas...
  5. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Germany was aweeeeesome! I went to visit friends who live in a small village in Bavaria, called Adelsdorf. We visited the Christmas market in Nürnberg and that was so much fun. :D So I absolutely had a great Christmas! [/offtopic] Yeah Greg probably thought of Sara. That's what I worked into my...
  6. SaraStar

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    Omg yeah. The weather's crazy. I can barely feel my hands and toes when I've been out for awhile.
  7. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Welcome back Pau! *hugs* Thanks for all the lovely comments/reviews to my Christmas fic! It made me so happy you guys enjoyed it. I had so much fun writing it, so it was great that you liked it too. Soon my other Sandle fic is up! We're about 10 posts away from the new thread! :D Maybe we...
  8. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    I finished my Christmas fic! It was a present for a member of the Jorja All Around LiveJournal community, they had organized a Secret Santa. But I posted it on Fanfiction.Net so you guys can read it too! Here you go: . I hope you like it! Tomorrow I'm...
  9. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Hey guys! I'm back! I'm officially on my winter break now and it feels awesomely. I've worked really hard the past days and now I'm free! :D I'm finishing both a Christmas Sandle fic and, to answer Hestia's question, my new Sandle fic about Sara leaving (it's a oneshot). I think I'll finish it...
  10. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Hm that might be true too. Either way, it's clear that it's hurting him. But we indeed have the SSCBs to satisfy us! :D I'm currently really busy with school, so that's why I don't come here as often. Next week we have our huge examination week and I gotta study like crazy to get it all done...
  11. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Aww I just saw "A La Cart" and found out that Greg knew about Grissom and Sara. He really seemed like he didn't want to talk about it when Nick asked him! Poor Greggo. He must be heartbroken. :( Anyway, the episode was really cute, especially the carting in the end. Sara was like bobbing her...
  12. SaraStar

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Happy Sinterklaas everyone! Everyone got their poems and presents done? :D Ohh Snow Wonder! That's cool!
  13. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    I think we all agree on naming the next thread Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope. It's a great title, I think! Thanks for coming up with it, Hestia. ;) And the moment we've all been waiting for... my SPOTM! Haha, it's been a while, I know, I know. I'm really sorry! So here we go...
  14. SaraStar

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Ahhh I guess it's gonna the same like last year. But I'm still happy that we're gonna see "Dead Doll" on Monday. At least we won't have to wait until May until we find out what happens to Sara!
  15. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Thanks very much for the lovely reactions to my Sandle graphic! I'm happy you guys liked it. I think that scene is just wonderful. It shows how much Sara trusts him and how he cares for her, and makes her laugh again. Yay! :D Hestia, thanks for the screencaps! Aw that scene is just adorable. I...
  16. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Aww Pau, I'm so glad to see that song in your signature. I love Taylor Swift's music and especially that song, it's so cute. Do you also know "Stay Beautiful"? I think that fits Sandle very well too. :) EDIT: I made this blend, to promote our Ship of Hope! I was also wondering if anyone...
  17. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Yeah that's a great idea, that every Sandle shipper uses that line in their signature. And then we'll also make it the title of our next thread! Everyone needs to see that we're not giving up. :D I'm gonna make some banners with that text too! To get the Sandlish feelings started again...
  18. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    *hugs Hestia* Thank you so much for this very uplifting post! I needed that. Because of that, and all the other lovely posts and the fact that this thread is alive again, I'm finally feeling Sandly again. My, I missed it! The Ship of Hope. That sounds so beautiful. We definitely gotta make that...
  19. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    Hey my dear Pau! *hugs tight* I missed you, I think we all did! Welcome back and thanks for that lovely cake. :D I know, it's a shame she's leaving, isn't it? It makes me so sad everytime I think about it. I guess Greg feels the same way as we do! His Sara is gone. :( I'm working hard on my fic...
  20. SaraStar

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Thanks indeed, I hadn't seen it yet either! Love the pic, though. I like the way her hair is in that one!