Search results

  1. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    ^ That's true. I really need some positivity cookies.. I got my results from last week's exams today. Everything was really, really good... except maths. :( Now I might have to redo it! Another weekend of stress. Aargh. It was so stupid. I was so happy about my other results and then maths came...
  2. SaraStar

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    OMG! I love all of the new photos. Especially the 'bright smile' one (<333) and this one above, with the guitar bag. :D
  3. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Hi sweeties! And hi Jess, we missed you too. And aww we will miss you again! Anyway, have a lot of fun on your vacation. Where are you going? *hugs tight* Lovely quote, Katja! You always pick such beautiful quotes. :) Oh and because my writing has been on hiatus because of school so long, here...
  4. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Yay! I'm finally writing Sandle again. I missed this so much. Be pepared for a brand new oneshot one of these days; Close Your Eyes. Ahh, I love writing Sandle. I always completely lose myself into it! :lol: Haha yeah Carrie. It isn't really fine, but it's even worse that their precious...
  5. SaraStar

    Movies that Traumatized You!

    Ahh I know! I've never liked flying, but after seeing United 93 I hate even more. It's a really, really good movie too. Another movie that freaked me out was American History X. Not really because it's scary, but because the things you see are so horrible. We watched it in history class and...
  6. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Yes, I play the guitar. Not well, unfortunately. I'm learning it myself since December. But I love just messing around with it. Right now I'm practising 'How To Save a Life' all the time. Singing and playing guitar is my favorite thing to do (of course while thinking of Sandle. :)) And I love...
  7. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Kat, you're so talented at writing poems. This one was amazing! You should make it into a song. Shall I try and find a melody for it with my guitar? :lol: We can make a record with all of the Sandle poems. :p I love the Sandle Geek Society! Great idea. I'm gonna make a banner for it. Shall I...
  8. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    *walks in cheering* EXAMS. ARE. OVER. *dances* Yay yay yay. Finally. No more studying (well, except for the possible resit, but let's hope it doesn't get to that). If anyone's wondering; history didn't go that well, but Latin went great! :D And as we're talking about this now; I usually have...
  9. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Hey everyone! I miss you all! Well tomorrow everything's over. I have two tests left - Latin and history. Cross your fingers for me, I'll need it. ;) But after that, the school year is almost over, which means a lot of free time which I can spend here. I'll come here more often! :D Cannot wait...
  10. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Hello my dears! I missed you all. School's crazy. I really need posivity cookies to keep faith; I'm pretty stressed. Tomorrow I have my exam Greek. :eek: I'm scared. Think of me! It'll help me. :p Hes, so far I love your pick of SPOTDs! The Bully For You scene is one of my all-time favorite...
  11. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    ^ LOL. That's a good one. :lol: Okay, since I'm very busy this entire week I hand over my SPOTD duties to Hestia, so you guys won't miss out on the Sandle loving pics while school keeps dragging me away from this thread. :) She's my official understudy! ;) You know you're a Sandle fan when...
  12. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Once again I missed so much! And I will miss a lot this week too. I have my five exams this week... I've been studying all weekend. :rolleyes: I hate weeks like these. I need Sandle to cheer me up. Positivity cookies are good against stress. ;) Anyway, welcome to all the new members entering...
  13. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    OMG! You guys I love the idea for the Kingdom of Sandle! I laughed so much at reading all of your stories. So I'm Duchess Eva? Yayy. :lol: I couldn't believe it when I logged into TalkCSI today. Last time I checked the thread (which was yesterday!) we were at page 9, now we've moved up to 12...
  14. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Yup, it was Del who was making the Sandle website, and I helped by sending her ideas. I'm wondering too how it's going. :) You're right Pau! I planned on writing the awesome story about Hank the Ballerina. It'll just have to wait til after my examinations. Those are next week. So in two weeks...
  15. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Hello my dearest Sandle buddies! I'm so sorry for not being here for so long. I'm so busy with school right now; I'm not feeling well at all, I'm so stressed out. I desperately need holiday... Anyway, I miss you guys too! When all of the school stress is over I promise I'll be posting SPOTDs...
  16. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Thanks for all the sweet comments; you guys always make me feel better. I love the SPS, Kat. That's such a great idea. We should have more of those; I might make one too if that's okay. :) Hestia, really? A toy truck? :lol: Oh well, I didn't know that. I just called you Hes because a friend of...
  17. SaraStar

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    The Fray - Dead Wrong The Fray - Over My Head The Fray - Little House The Fray - Trust Me Krezip - Plug It In & Turn Me On The Veronicas - When It All Falls Apart The Veronicas - 4Ever The Veronicas - Everything I'm Not The Veronicas - Mouth Shut The Veronicas - Heavily Broken sidlewannabe, I...
  18. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    OMG Kat! That totally made my day (and my day is sucking; but you cheered me up!). Ahh how much I wish that'd happen... anyway, we know Greg feels this way, even though TBTB might not show it to us. We know Greg will do everything to save Sara. Because Greg knows how to save a life! :)
  19. SaraStar

    Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

    Yay! Welcome back Carrie; we missed you! *hugs you and takes up cake too* Woot, the Carrie has returned cake fight. :lol: