when i saw the gri and ile pic i laugh out loud :lol: :lol: and said that so funny and cute and my family look from the tv :confused: and my sister said she is looking at csi :eek: we stare a minute but then they ture back to the tv :D :D
Hello guys, I hav been watching csi a long time, and have heard some funny stuff from them. I thought it would be kool 2 post what they said that was so funny, but if i am in the wrong place tell me and i will move it ;).
Re: Would you like TPTB to kill off a character? **NO SPOILE
sophie i think thatz how u spell it anyway i love gsr
and if anybody try to come between it well :mad: :mad: :mad:.......U BETTER RUN. nick dont really care 4 him he iz due 4 a breakdown any second now
*looks @ watch smiling :devil...
hi i was 11 when i watch my first ep. of csi:lv i was in the 6 grade now i am in the 9th grde. i know a little young but my mom was watching it sooooooo.... :p :p :p
hey i really need help :confused: :confused: :confused:,there was this ep about a dude likein catherine sara and brass were asking him something and he said somthing like" i want to talk to the pretty one"
help please :confused: :confused:
hello guys nice thread, i think keppler works for the fbi :confused: and he checking on the team and since catherine is in charge she is the only person know about why is really :eek: there and at the end cath will tell them why he is there and they would b like "what the" :D :D :confused: :) :D...
you know you're addicted to CSI when..
you miss your sister baby shower to watch a new ep
ever time you see a promo for a new ep. your heart start beating fast
when you open your locker csi stuff falls all over the floor
you damand that you watch a csi ep. in sciene class
your friendz say...
Re: Best of 2006
actress;marg helgenberger,jorja fox
actor,william petersen,gary dourdan
show:csi:lv god i luv dat show,and shark my mom really likes dat show :D :D :D :D :D :D :D