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  1. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    I counted the seconds to the 6th season starts. I was super excited. I believed that finally Mac & Stella was going to happen or at least they would be closer, but the opposite is happening, are cold, distant. Not only the nonexistence of scenes smacked that is making me frustrated but also the...
  2. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    really do not know if Mac knows what happened that night. I just want to know why the distancing them. but it is strange to be going on this, after the last episode of season 5? seemed that finally they were ready to jump to the next level, but the opposite happened, they kind of grew apart. I...
  3. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    In fact Stella is very jealous and is absolutely right. Mac is it. Only her and no other woman. I outbreaks when another woman gets Mac. Now I wonder why the writers have delayed the inevitable. You can not change what is destined to happen. And since the beginning they made a point to make...
  4. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Hi, Grounds For Deception is my favorite episode ... but two scenes that I think is very cute and revealing and makes me believe more and more that there is something other than a great friendship between Mac and Stella. Admissions: Stella talks with Flack about the dead man and Mac comes in...
  5. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    hi, smackeds unfortunately I could not watch the episodes. first because only God knows when it will pass here in Brazil and second 'cause my computer is so slow that I can not do download of episodes. but by what you saw, there is light at the end of the tunnel for Mac and Stella? Bjs
  6. Nirce

    The Smacked soundtrack

    This is from Mac's POV thinking about Stella. When Stella was in Greece. Lyrics: Perfect love (Amor Perfeito) Composition: Michael Sulivan/Paulo Massadas. close my eyes to not see past the time I miss you Good angel, perfect love in my chest Without you I can not live Come, and I...
  7. Nirce

    The Smacked soundtrack

    I could not find a version in English ... then I put the original letter which is in Portuguese. I think the clearly defines the relationship of Mac and Stella. Lyrics: I know that I love you. composition: Tom Jobim / Vinicius De Moraes. Eu sei que vou te amar Por toda a minha vida eu vou...
  8. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella #18: 'Cause True Love Is NOT A One Night Stand! I wish Mac had an explosive reaction. That he would let the fire nostrils. those blue eyes stayed black so jealous. need not be in front of the entire laboratory. enough to be in front of Stella. but it would be interesting to...
  9. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella #18: 'Cause True Love Is NOT A One Night Stand! my fear when Mac discovers he is completely closed. this is very insane. seems they are in the same place. when they are a step forward, something always happens and they give ten steps back .. does have a law that says that...
  10. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella #18: 'Cause True Love Is NOT A One Night Stand! is exactly what made me fall in love with Mac and Stella. The interaction, the chemistry between them is something exciting. Words are not necessary. just one look. and this is not for everyone. I was thinking. was better not to...
  11. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) Ghawazze, :) that's nice, someone close ... I must say I feel more or less like you. now there is a light at the end of the tunnel for Mac and Stella? ... I honestly do not know what to think ... only the sequence of the season will...
  12. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) Ghawazee, you are from what country?
  13. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) I started watching CSI NY in the fourth season. I realized that there was or could have something more between them than just co-workers and friends. always've had that chemistry? ... This interaction between them since the beginning...
  14. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) Nircelene, i haven't read spoilers from SVU but hopefully it will have some closeness. I need a place where i can feel there is hope THIS was REAL Elliot & Olivia together ... I think just a dream ... a dream of fans and nothing...
  15. Nirce

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Re: Mac <3 Stella We need a NEW NAME! (and writers too!) Thank God I have not watched the episode ... watch when I skip the part of Stella and Adam and I thought that the writers of SVU (Elliot & Olivia) were blind or myopic .... now I see that the csi ny are literally blind. I liked Mac...
  16. Nirce

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hello, really wanted to know why it took Stella to have casual sex with Adam ... because I do not buy this idea that was only to comfort your pain. makes no sense to be just that ... .. "was good ... but it will not happen again" as I said that would add to the show? and because with Adam...
  17. Nirce

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hello, I have not seen the espisode ... who knows when it will pass in Brazil ... I'll see if I can download the net ... but the comments would like to know one question ... if Stella slept with Adam just to reduce their pain and will not happen again (I hope in my heart that it will not...
  18. Nirce

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Oi smackeds Have you seen the news that a couple of series after many obstacles would finally be together at the end of last season, but the network had to postpone by one or two seasons? I read this news somewhere .. you think might be Mac / Stella? be shipper is complicated aiai ... I...
  19. Nirce

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hi, smackeds I'm anxious and apprehensive for the 6th season ... on the promo ... I prefer not to comment ... even though not all he seems is ... .. then I will wait for the episodes ... Se tiver alguém do Brasil que gostaria de conversar sobre CSi NY e outros seriados...aqui vai o meu msn...
  20. Nirce

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    hi .... smackeds, I was thinking ... Even though the relationship between Mac and Stella not jump to the next level ... this next season (. because I hope they stay together at some point the show ) Large and best friends ... for something romantic ... definitely something has changed ...