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    CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! *New Deadline: August 28 th*

    Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! okie dokes. go ahead. the earliest i'll be able to access the internet is probably the 28th. so the deadline change would be best for 28th. :D
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    CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! *New Deadline: August 28 th*

    Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! ...hmm...see, the whole thing is i'm not going to have internet access starting from the 17th to the 27th. sissi, if you could take over posting them and the votes for me, we could extend the deadline... or we could change the deadline to be after i get back...
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    Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

    new thread names? already? holy cow! hrmm...i suck at thread names. i'll come back later.
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    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    i'm not saying she's buying his ties. he probably does that on his own. i'm just thinking the suits probably come from his mother. because they match. mama doesn't dress him. she just shops for him.
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    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    pardon the interruption, but i happened to write a little ficlet about these two, and i'd like some feedback from actual ryan/valera shippers. hope you like it! :D Breakfast of Champions you may now return to you regularly scheduled RaVe programing.
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    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    i'm not the only one who writes crack-tastic crossovers? nice! :lol: i do that, but i have crack-tastic ships too. don't get me started. and i don't see him going on a shopping spree either. he probably just grabs whatever he sees that fits. ...or his mama flack takes him. that would be so...
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    Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

    we haven't seen much emotion from flack, but from what i can tell of his character, he's probably pretty guarded with his emotions. he was not happy with the whole situation with moran, and he did handle it professionally, but he still didn't like it. this was a person he saw as a father...
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    Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

    ooook. i understand now. but hey, boys on the beach. very hot.
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    Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

    Live and Let Die was an awesome episode. i love the phone sex convo! hysterical! :D we get All Access on Wed, which means lots of angsty DL moments! which makes me smile.
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    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools i would prefer george to eric too, and eddie to carmine, but hey! can't have 'em all. and those two are pretty hot too. :D ETA: adam...has...a goatee. omgsohot! *thud*
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    Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

    wait? are there three different covers? or am i just confusing myself? :confused:
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    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    yay! new thread! *does new thread dance* and new thread present :D bye! *runs out*
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    The “Get rid of Boa Vista!!!” Thread

    Re: The ?Get rid of Boa Vista!!!? Thread cooper was clearly interested in working in the field, and they put her in instead? they put the mole in instead? doesn't make any sense. and i understand that they want to have someone they know with them in the field, but i'm kind of getting sick of...
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    bye bye thread! :D two posts to go...
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    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools yes! omg, that would be fabulous. i would pin that up in my room and spend the entire day drooling over it.
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    Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

    :D you're very special. very very special. i loves you vewy vewy much. :D *hugs Lynn* can i have the fic now?
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    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools they are kind of distracting that way aren't they? :D i'm going to take a walk over to walgreens on thursday and pick that one up. that's one i'm not going to miss. but they did leave out some hot boys as far as i know.
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    Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

    guess? guess? do i need to write something for you? cuz if i do, it may take me a while. and i don't care if you're going to sing, i refuse to take my pie back. *drops lemon meriangue on Lynn's head*
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    Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

    Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools hey guys....adam's gonna be in the next issue of TV Guide with carmine and eric. the article is on the hot boys of csi. just giving you all a heads up. :D
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    doodie doodie doo...doodie doo... ...pretty smile... :D