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  1. faith666

    The Linking Game ~ Thread # 2

    Rachel Weisz was in Constantine with Keanu Reeves
  2. faith666

    Was Danny Abused as a Child (Pt 2) *possible spoilers*

    I agree. It seemed like that moment was a turning point in their relationship, it changed everything. I think Danny took it too personally for there not to have been something more too it than what we saw. I have an older sister who I'm really close to, and if she did that I'd just be really...
  3. faith666

    Miami rantage...

    I agree totally that it's become very Horatio centric, unnecessarily I think, because he doesn't even do anything anymore. Ryan, Calleigh and Eric do all the work and he seems to take credit for it. And it really annoys me when he keeps taking his sunglasses on and off. He always does it at...
  4. faith666

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    The last film I saw was The Break Up. It looked really good, but it wasn't actually that funny. I agree with Faylinn, the most funny parts were in the trailer. As a comedy it was terrible but as a film it was ok but not great. I wish I'd gone to see Pirates of the Caribbean instead.
  5. faith666

    Recent Purchases

    Um...a book and some stuff for uni. I'm trying to spend as little as possible cos I'm not getting paid anymore :( and I'm supposed to be getting a car soon.
  6. faith666

    Photography Competition: 'Life's A Beach' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: 'Life's A Beach' 3 7 8 They're all great pics though.
  7. faith666

    What's your job?

    I'm about to start uni to do adult nursing. My dream job would be to be a theatre nurse, either scrub or anaesthetic (hope that's spelt right).
  8. faith666

    The Linking Game ~ Thread # 2

    Drew Barrymore was in Riding in Cars with Boys with Steve Zahn PS. Love your icon disprncss358!
  9. faith666

    do you prefer greg as a lab technician or a CSI?

    I prefered him in the lab just cos he was in the show more. I thought that when he was put in the field he'd get more screen time and he's got even less. It's good for the character though.
  10. faith666

    CSI Miami Sites

    Re: hi That site you mentioned is great, it's annoying that it only works on internet explorer though.
  11. faith666

    Other Fandom Icons/Wallpapers

    Re: Other Fandom Icons Great icons Linz! Love the first 2! :)
  12. faith666

    Quiz me

    Ok, here's one. Hope this is the right thing. When does the law require you to use your headlights? a) from one half hour after sunset until one half hour before sunrise. b) from three hours after sunset until three hours before sunrise. c) only if other cars are present. d) you are not...
  13. faith666

    The Linking Game ~ Thread # 2

    Halle Berry was in Swordfish with Sam Shepard
  14. faith666

    The Linking Game ~ Thread # 2

    Rene Russo was in The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan
  15. faith666

    The Linking Game ~ Thread # 2

    Heather Graham was in Hope Springs with Colin Firth
  16. faith666

    Your Screen Name: What does it mean?

    1881 was just the first thing that popped into my head. It doesn't mean anything, just random numbers. Although I am still 18 for another 2 days.
  17. faith666

    My First CSI story. CSI: Own Risk

    Great story! You've got the characters right, and it's in-keeping with the show. Well done, write more soon.
  18. faith666

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I'm reading Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell. It's slow going though, :lol:
  19. faith666

    Life on Mars

    It is hard to understand sometimes and I come from Manchester! I hate it when there are things that are more cultural. Like when I'm watching American tv there are things that just go right over my head, especially comedy, because I just don't understand it.
  20. faith666

    Tea and Scones ~ english thread

    Manchester's got 2 really good uni's, and it's a great city!