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  1. faith666

    CSI:NY bloopers

    Such a shame. The bloopers are the first thing I look for on DVD extras.
  2. faith666


    I'm really looking forward to it. I hope that it's going to be as good as season 1, which, by the sounds of it, it will be. I'm really hoping that nothing happens between Gwen and Jack. I really can't stand her and that would make it so much worse.
  3. faith666

    Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects

    Re: Writers Strike - Is it going to have an effect on TV sho I agree with it in principle, but overall I'm not in favour of it at all. The reason is because of the effect it's had on other people in the industry, like camera people, who don't get a great wage, and can't afford not to work...
  4. faith666

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    The last film I saw was The Golden Compass. I thought it was fantastic. I read the books when I was younger and loved them then. I have to say that the film wasn't how I imagined it to be. I don't know if that was because it was different from the books like jennis says or because I just can't...
  5. faith666

    The University Thread

    I'm at uni and I hate it. I'm studying nursing and the only reason I'm sticking with it is the thought of being a nurse next year (arghhhhh!). I hate the studying, research, assignments, lectures etc. It's just not for me. I find it so hard to get motivated to do stuff. Some of my friends love...
  6. faith666

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    Great! I can't wait. And it's on BBC 2 this time so I can tape it if I'm working. And Primeval's back soon too. I'm such a geek, lol.
  7. faith666

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    Yay, it's back!!! I'm so glad that it's not too long to wait. BTW, someone mentioned Torchwood, anyone know when that's back?
  8. faith666

    Was Danny Responsible? *Child's Play Spoilers*

    Much as I love Danny I voted yes. I agree with everyone who said that his first responsibility was to Reuben. His mind set was totally that of a police officer, not of someone who had a child who he was responsible for. As soon as he heard gunshots his first thought was to that situation, and...
  9. faith666

    How many non-US peeps here?

    I'm from the UK. I was gutted the England lost the world cup, but it was good to get to the final. It was funny seeing Gordon Brown with a face like thunder right at the beginning when all the players walked out. LOL.
  10. faith666

    Why Aren't You Posting?

    I'm a DL fan and while I appreciate that everybody has their own opinion it can be a bit overwhelming with the amount of DL criticism on this board. It seems that loads of threads have loads of people just slagging her off and/or the DL relationship with seemingly no real reason. I'm just so...
  11. faith666

    The Dead Zone

    I've only just got into The Dead Zone. My sister bought season 1 and 3 and I started watching it and really got into it. I watched the first 3 seasons in about 2 weeks. I think I've only seen season 4 up to about episode 3 but I love it. Everyone seems to be down on the later seasons so I'm not...
  12. faith666

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    Am I the only one who actually likes Lindsey and Danny? I feel pretty lonely here. The new season looks great by the way. Love the promo picture of them sat on the beam.
  13. faith666


    Yay! Good news about Ianto. If Ianto got more screentime and Gwen got less, I'd be pretty happy with the new season.
  14. faith666

    Being A Southpaw (a.k.a. Left-handed)

    I'm a leftie! And proud of it! That's why I always notice what hand people write with. I always find that I just use right-handed stuff in my left hand cos that's what I'm used to. There wasn't a lot of left-handed stuff at school so I've just adapted and will choose to use RH stuff. For kids...
  15. faith666


    I love Torchwood. I have to admit that I hated the first episode and it was only the second or third episode that I started to like; it's grown on me now though. I too loath Gwen. I find her irritating no end. And it annoys me that so many episodes are centred on her. Ianto's probably my...
  16. faith666

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    I just saw Sunshine. It's fantastic. I was confused at first and it's probably the type of film that you have to see a couple of times to fully understand, but it's worth it. Not at all what I expected but brilliant anyway.
  17. faith666

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I'm reading Sunstroke by Jesse Kellerman, who is Faye and Jonathan's son. That's a coincidence. I'm also reading part 2 of the North and South trilogy. I've nearly finished thank god. It's good, but it's a bit tedious in places.
  18. faith666

    Favorite/Least Favorite Episodes of the Season

    There was no competition for the best episode. It had to be Snow Day. Everything about it was great. Well, except for the Irish accents. Those were just terrible. Everything else was great though. Cold Reveal was definitely the worst. It was just lame. I hated it.
  19. faith666

    Big Brother UK ~ We're watching them...

    Yeah, I'd love it if one of the twins got voted out too. I think they'd be lost without the other one.
  20. faith666


    I loved Killer Instinct. In the UK we saw all the episodes and they were fantastic. I hate that it never really got a chance and was cancelled after only 9 episodes. I'm sure it could have become popular if it had been given a chance.