Search results

  1. faith666

    Where you from?

    I was born in Cheltenham, England and now live in Manchester, England.
  2. faith666

    Life on Mars

    We definitely will, pilgrim. We'll keep you informed! And if you have any questions about anything we'll try to answer them! :)
  3. faith666

    Who Am I?

    My sister thinks that it's Jorja Fox.
  4. faith666

    Big Brother UK

    I know. People have actually spent money to vote these people out, which means that they're not the most popular people in the house, which should tell them something.
  5. faith666

    The Linking Game ~ Thread # 2

    Jonathan Jackson was in Riding the Bullet with David Arquette
  6. faith666

    The Wallpaper Thread # 3

    Ah, thank you! The wallpapers you both made are great! Thanks again!
  7. faith666

    The Wallpaper Thread # 3

    It's fine without any text, Chez. Thanks so much, it's great!! :D
  8. faith666

    The Wallpaper Thread # 3

    Hi, could somebody make me a Ryan/Jonathan wallpaper with these images? Image #1 Image #2 It can be both or one or the other, I don't mind. My screen resolution is 1024x768. Images were taken from Jonathan Togo online, as you can see. Thanks very much in advance!!! :D
  9. faith666

    Most irritating things.

    People who ask questions when they already know the answer annoy me. Why do they do that?
  10. faith666

    Grade Season Two

    I gave season 2 an A. There were some episodes I wasn't keen on but there were some really great episodes that really stood out for me.
  11. faith666

    Most irritating things.

    My dad irritates me more than any person on earth. We don't get on, lol. Also, people smoking around me. I hate it when people just start smoking near me and they don't even ask if it's ok. It's disgusting and so inconsiderate. I've got a friend who just blows smoke in my face. It's horrible.
  12. faith666

    Big Brother UK

    Just out of interest, vote for who you want to go back in the house. You can pick 4:
  13. faith666

    Life on Mars

    I'm really interested to see how they end the show. However they end there are going to be some people who are disappointed. I don't know how I'd like it to end yet. But I agree pilgrim, I hope this show carries on for a long time to come.
  14. faith666

    The "I need help with this specific game" Thread

    I have the same problem. I've matched the tool marks from the spring to the tool found in Leslie's shop and her fingerprint was on it but it doesn't seem to be enough cos I can't ask her any questions about it. Thanks for the link VManso. That's really helpful! :D
  15. faith666

    Big Brother UK

    Me too. I think Richard and Aisleyne can both be really nasty at times. But they are good housemates so I don't really think that they'll be evicted. Especially not Richard. And nobody in the house ever nominates Aisleyne cos they think she's really nice. So annoying.
  16. faith666

    What's your favourite CSI theme song?

    My favourite is Baba O'Reiley. I'm not keen on Miami's song but I do really like Who Are You for Vegas.
  17. faith666

    What's your favourite/least favourite movie

    I don't really have a favourite film cos there's loads I really like but I loved Alien Autopsy and The Jacket. There's probably loads of others if I really thought about it. My least favourite films are Crash, Closer and Van Helsing. I've seen films I didn't really like and wouldn't watch...
  18. faith666

    Big Brother UK

    I was really shocked when Nicky left. I couldn't stand her when she was in the house but she was good entertainment so I didn't think anybody would vote to evict her. I like Glyn, Pete and Mickey too. I'd like one of them to win.
  19. faith666

    What's your ethnic background?

    I'm quite boring. I'm just English. Although, my grandmother was a kiwi, but I don't know if it counts if her parents were English and she was just born there.