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  1. EmilyBarton

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    I noticed the gum thing too, but it did't stay in her mouth very long did it. That would be a great idea, Eric making Calleigh cafe cubano ice cream........Eric in a apron with no shirt:devil: I cant stop pressing rewind to watch the scenes again, their so addictive. Emily played Calleigh...
  2. EmilyBarton

    Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

    yay, new thread and im loving the title:hugegrin: OH MY! that epi was more than fantastic,:hugegrin::hugegrin: in fact i cant really think of a word good and worthy enough to deserve the description! Her face atthe end! it was so full of pure love and when she said she heard everything i swear...
  3. EmilyBarton

    Episode 7x14 - 'Smoke Gets In Your CSIs' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    7:14 promo pictures Im not sure if these have been posted. Found them and had to share.
  4. EmilyBarton

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Anna's due Jan/Feb time I think but they film the episodes in advance before we see them so it'll be a few months before we see the new messer/monroe baby. Linds is probably 7/8 months along
  5. EmilyBarton

    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    Its gonna be a brill epi, why isnt it monday yet!!
  6. EmilyBarton

    Episode 7x14 - 'Smoke Gets In Your CSIs' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    awww! thats really sweet of Eric!, i wish it was Monday already!!
  7. EmilyBarton

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    All we need now is for Louie to come outta his coma in time to meet his new nephew/neice. I swear CBS has forgotten about poor Louie!
  8. EmilyBarton

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    awww, i loved the ending of last night episode, the whole 'look' they gave each other screamed i like you! Im glad that we got to see more of Bones dad, i love him to bits and with what he asked Booth last night, well that just cracked me up hehe!
  9. EmilyBarton

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Thinking about it Lindsay might not want to tell the team, she strikes me as the sort of person that would want to keep it personal and quiet until at least the first trimester is over:confused: In the epi Danny said he thinks she knows about rikki anyway but yeah, i think Danny should confirm...
  10. EmilyBarton

    Flack/Angell #1 - This Is How Sexy Looks

    I was so disappointed when Angel wasn't in yesterday! Liars, they said she would be! I was hoping we would get something, even if it was just in passing after last epi. Oh well, mabye next episode.
  11. EmilyBarton

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    WOW! last nights was amazing and i've only just been able to comment on it. Danny made me go aww all through the epi, he was so sweet! bless his little cotton socks! I hope next episode we get to see the teams reaction and more loved up messermonroe action.
  12. EmilyBarton

    Pushing Daisies.

    noooo! (sobs dramaticly)
  13. EmilyBarton

    Bones *Spoilers*

    LibertyBell, the books are very different compared to the show. I wen't off the books when i saw the show because the characters are much better and dynamicand have a better relationship . The books are quite heavy reading although it depends on the person :D
  14. EmilyBarton

    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    5 haha! i love it
  15. EmilyBarton

    Photos #6 - Lights, Camera, 'Snap'!

    well after promising to post like 3 years ago my picture here it is!
  16. EmilyBarton

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 My god, who didn't die when Eric said he wasnt ok!!!!!!!!! Was it only me that thought H shooting all those people at the begining was a bit coldblodded and outta place? Where the hell was Jake, some boyfriends he'd...
  17. EmilyBarton

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    yeh, they are. it was in the finale of season 3 where their made official
  18. EmilyBarton

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    I just read the script for family ties and it doesn't look good guys :(
  19. EmilyBarton

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    Snow Day epi struck gold guys, you havent seen it you can now!! enjoy :D edited to remove video link
  20. EmilyBarton

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    okay guys, i've struck gold!!!! people that cant wait for the episode to come online who didnt see it last night can now see it here: