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  1. kaybee988

    Other Fandom FanArt #5-Showcase & Requests

    I just loved the whole cast, especially Face and Murdock. Liam Neeson was a good Hannibal though ;)
  2. kaybee988

    Other Fandom FanArt #5-Showcase & Requests

    Finch, awesome icons! Chris Pine is just so pretty. Ha! Here's a wallpaper of another pretty man. So excited for the A-Team's DVD release.
  3. kaybee988

    CSI: Crime City on Facebook

    I just started playing and am on my 3rd case. It's a cool, addictive app. It's a little bit annoying to keep waiting for my energy to stock up again to finish a location but I am determined to get more than a medium coffee on those energy games!
  4. kaybee988


    Yeah on Firefly they spoke Chinese frequently, mostly when they were either really mad :lol: I love that Nathan still loves the show and isn't afraid to poke a little fun at it but embrace it at the same time :D
  5. kaybee988

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    A Christmas episode would definitely be awesome! If Greg was still in his lab it would be all decked out for Christmas with lights and stockings and of course mistletoe :lol:
  6. kaybee988


    I forgot about the Firefly reference! :lol: I was a big fan of Firefly after it aired though of course ;)
  7. kaybee988


    Loved Castle's homage to X-Files. Classic episode! Everything from Castle's reference to Mulder & Scully to the UFO scene was spot on! :lol: I also loved how Castle said "probed" :lol:
  8. kaybee988

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Yes! We know the boys are golden with comedy but it was hilarious to see them react so differently :lol:
  9. kaybee988

    GLEE- Are You a GLEEk?

    Loved the episode last night!! Some people may think the show has become centered on Kurt but I really enjoy his storylines. The wedding scene and the reception with "Just the Way You Are" might be my favorite scene ever. It's just a shame that after all the support and love the glee club...
  10. kaybee988

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Yeah but there's a different feel to this Sam and rightfully so. I just think in this season full of angst it's nice to have a bit of comedy relief from an unlikely source.
  11. kaybee988

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    It's strange how I HATED soulless Sam two weeks ago and really liked him this week! :lol: His snark was off the wall and almost all of his lines had me literally laughing out loud. His whole conversation in the beginning with the lady about sniffing glue and then just ordering another beer when...
  12. kaybee988

    Blue Bloods

    Last week's episode was definitely the best episode so far. You knew he was going to target Erin but I expected Danny to come and shoot the rapist not the dad.
  13. kaybee988

    The Big Bang Theory

    I love Indiana Jones so I loved tonights TBBT. The end with Sheldon stealing the film and all of them running from the crowd was the best. "Come on Short Round!" "Why is there never a pontoon plane when you need one?" :lol:
  14. kaybee988

    The Big Bang Theory

    Nice to see Penny back this week! I love that they now can talk Star Trek because she saw the new movie, like so many girls :lol: So sweet of Sheldon to give Howard his spot but we all knew it wouldn't last :lol: "I haven't cried this much since Toy Story 3!" Oh Raj, glad I wasn't the only...
  15. kaybee988

    "Bump and Grind" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Great ep! Loved the screentime Greg got and Eric was funny at the end yelling in the phone about his ID theft :lol: I took the "G" comment as Hodges trying to fit in with the guys since Nick and Warrick sometimes called him that.
  16. kaybee988

    Third Watch

    Hope it's ok to resurrect this thread but I recently stumbled on to the show through renting Season 1 and 2 on DVD and I can't wait for Season 3 (hopefully sooner than later!) I love Bosco & Faith! All the characters are great but I love them together.
  17. kaybee988


    So long Undercovers. We hardly knew ya!
  18. kaybee988

    Other Fandom FanArt #5-Showcase & Requests

    Nice! Love the Jensen one!
  19. kaybee988

    Other Fandom FanArt #5-Showcase & Requests

    Thanks guys! Ooh Finch I love your Chris Pine icons! Gorgeous! I've had a slight obsession with Taylor :lol:
  20. kaybee988

    The Big Bang Theory

    Yeah kinda like Al's mother-in-law on Married With Children :lol: