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  1. C

    Name that episode

    HaHa almost the same time
  2. C

    Name that episode

    Committed :) --------------- Girl You Make It Hard To Be Faithful With The Lips Of An Angel
  3. C

    It's time to play CSI MATCH GAME--2nd Season!!!

    A.Janitor B.Semi-bald head --------------------
  4. C

    Name that episode

    'Cats In The Cradle' -------------- Warrick:Who brings a gun to a knife fight? Grissom: The Winner
  5. C

    It's time to play CSI MATCH GAME--2nd Season!!!

    Sorry can't think of anything for the first answer B. Toilet Seat :p
  6. C

    Trivia game

    Re: Re: Trivia game Ok here's one Why was Grissom thrown off of the case in episode "The Strip Strangler"? ------------- Warrick:Who brings a gun to a knife fight? Grissom: The Winner
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    It's time to play CSI MATCH GAME--2nd Season!!!

    A.Cheating at a casino B.Chest
  8. C

    It's time to play CSI MATCH GAME--2nd Season!!!

    A. Stripping B. Her ex-boyfriends name
  9. C

    Trivia game

    Re: Re: Trivia game The time is 5:07am and it shows it on the phone. :)
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    Trivia game

    Re: Re: Trivia game oh and i have a question is there like a limit of time before you can answer another question?
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    Trivia game

    Re: Re: Trivia game ummm...I really haven't read the whole fourm but I dont think this question was asked yet So in what episode did Greg get to see his first autopsy? Its not a very hard one so go ahead. ----------------- Grissom: There wasn't a story of more woe then Juliet and her Romeo...
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    Trivia game

    Re: Re: Trivia game Bad to the Bone :)
  13. C

    It's time to play CSI MATCH GAME--2nd Season!!!

    A. Arm Pit B. Extra
  14. C

    It's time to play CSI MATCH GAME--2nd Season!!!

    A. Blood B. Movie Stars
  15. C

    Who Watches the Summers Re-Runs?

    Bhahaha I love that video I watched it a million times when I first seen it. The Grissom bobble head.. :p ---------------------- Grissom: A carpet beetle.....this shouldn't be here?? Catherine: Why does he seem more like a hard wood floor kinda guy to you.
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    CSI Bumpersnickers
  17. C

    What does Nick say to Grisom in "Grave Danger"

    Oh and this might not have anything to do with what he is saying and i dont know if theres a thread for this but Is the whole nickname thing releated to another episode because in "Eleven anger jurors" Warrick pulls a plastic wrapper that says Poncho's on it, but its peanut butter and in another...
  18. C

    What does Nick say to Grisom in "Grave Danger"

    Doesn't He say "Im sorry i never meant to dissapoint you"? Im pretty sure thats what he is saying. I never really took interest in knowing the first time I seen it because I so sad and Nick was all almost going to die :( but I want to know and I was hoping they would play back the tape in S6...
  19. C

    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 -you know your addicted when you circle every time CSI is on in the TV guide even if its a re-run. http://csi_lv_banner.jpg