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  1. C

    Name that episode

    OK i will go easy one.... Catherine: "I like hairy chests but im not about to bop a six foot weasel"
  2. C

    Name that episode

    Just ask a question considering the the threads been dead for a while....
  3. C

    paul milander

    Or well not really a doubleganger per say but a twin :p
  4. C

    paul milander

    A.Yeah I think he knew he couldn't keep killing people and having a smart competitor he would eventually get caught and he wanted to go down still being in control and that's why he killed himself. B. Wouldn't it be funny if he really had a doubleganger and that's who he killed. I have to say...
  5. C

    paul milander

    Well wasn't he planning to kill him..or was that just to scare him because paul says something like "are you wondering why I didn't choose you next" and Grissom says " I doesn't matter you be in jail" or something like that :p
  6. C

    paul milander

    Hahaha Yea :p
  7. C

    paul milander

    There's the Pilot and Anonymous which are obviously the first season :p And Identity Crisis' which is in season two :) ---------------------
  8. C

    CSI: Hangman #5

    ohh may bad
  9. C

    CSI: Hangman #5

    T please :)
  10. C

    If Cath inherits Sam's Casino

    A.I wonder what would happen if Catherine's mom inheits the casino's? Because if I recall on the episode where Sam and Catherine's mom were getting together behind Catherine's back ( until she found out). B. My next Theory is that Sam never had a will and the Casino's go to the City or whatever.
  11. C

    The green eye on the back of the picture *No Spoilers*

    Re: What was the green eye on the back of the picture He will probably keep the case open but he won't tell anyone eles and I agree with the picture was little grissom :p
  12. C

    Trivia Game #2

    A candle was placed to close to the wall? Or was that the exuse?? ------------------ Greg: You infected me with mildew, great its probably fatal.
  13. C

    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A.How long it takes for blood to coagulate :p B.Dora the explorer bra --------------
  14. C

    Name that episode

    Okay Thanks :)
  15. C

    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 When your listening to the Who's -Who are you song while updating the CSI page on your website :cool:
  16. C

    "Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    There like granny glasses with a twist And then the facial expression just makes the picture :lol: ------------------- Sara: I think Malibu Barbie did it....
  17. C

    Name that episode

    I have a question are the episode just from CSI: LV or Miami and NY too??
  18. C

    What do you want to see?

    -I want Grissom and Sara's Secrect found out and for Catherine to be jealous -I want to see myself the edge of my seat like I use to be watching the episodes -I want Nick's hair to grow back (not on his face) :p (I think there's some others I just can't think right now) -------------------...
  19. C

    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A. Armpit B. Sherlock Homes ( Haha I was thinking Nancy Drew and you beat me to that:lol: )
  20. C

    what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite character

    Re: what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite charact CSI:LV-Nick <3 and Grissom CSI:NY-Flack:) Fav episode from CSI LV is Grave Danger ( I cry a little every time I watch it :p) Fav CSI NY episode is ummm I not sure im not a hardcore know all the names of the episodes and the word...