Search results

  1. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Well time flies by when you're having fun, so it's time to announce the winner :) But first the runners up (in no particular order): Dizzney - Because it's great that he's raising awareness on Burma (and also because he just looks mighty good in that). Jacquie - There's no way I could look...
  2. Ankeila

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    1. Cocteau Twins - Blue Bell Knoll 2. Lush - Hypocrite 3. Aphex Twin - Xtal 4. Darker My Love - People 5. Marilyn Manson - Devour 6. The Clash - Polive and Thieves 7. PJ Harvey - The Mountain 8. The Gathering - Capital of Nowhere 9. Slowdive - When The Sun Hits 10. Mr. Bungle - Goodbye Sober Day
  3. Ankeila


    Michael C. Hall is amazing. I actually started watching this because of his great performance as David in Six Feet Under, which was very different from Dexter. On a side note, whenever I tell someone that I'm going to watch Dexter, they ask me why I'm watching a cartoon. :lol:
  4. Ankeila

    Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 12-Marilyn Monroe-Results

    Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural" Voting! Least: 11 - The crop isn't that good, half of her hand is missing. Other than that the image is a bit plain, it looks like there's nothing really done to the cap. 04 - It's still quite dark and misses contrast. Also, the text is too big and...
  5. Ankeila

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    ^ The enlarged versions work fine for me. I really like them, especially the one of Ryan. I saved quite some wallpapers from this thread, in case I ever need a new one haha. :)
  6. Ankeila

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

    I really hope they become canon in the very last episode, and I love all your ideas haha :) I can only think of two songs that remind me of The Love for now: - Kissing by Bliss. This is just such a wonderful and sweet song. It reminds me of someone lying on a beautiful beach at midnight with...
  7. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Wow, thanks Stokes4Me and Yurek! I was pleasantly surprised to find this handsome guy at my door. :drool: I guess you would like a new theme then. Well, as he looks very good in green, I would like to see some photos featuring the colour green. 12 pics in about 24 hours. :)
  8. Ankeila

    LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.23 - Actors - Results!

    Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.20 - For Warrick - Now Up! 100x100 03 13 06 04 140x140 02 01
  9. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Second set! Grabbing some popcorn Suit 2 Suit 3 Suit 4 With Jorja With the CSI cast
  10. Ankeila

    Your Favorite CSI Line From any 3 Shows

    My favourite CSI: LV line from a non-regular character: Stewart Lytle: [after seeing Wendy working in the lab] Beautiful people doing high-tech police work. There might be a series in this. :lol:
  11. Ankeila

    The Celebrity 100

    Wow, Oprah has pocketed $275 million in the last year :eek: That's not bad. :lol:
  12. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Hope I'm not too late :) Suited up Looking good In a suit Rockin' in a suit With awards Three suits
  13. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Yep he was promoted in 19 Down. Eric is going to be at the Monte-Carlo Television Festival which starts this Sunday. So that means new pictures of him :drool: (and possibly an interview).
  14. Ankeila

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    #3 :thumbsup:
  15. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    I really love the new caps egeria! *saves onto computer* I love this thread haha, so many great pics to drool over :drool:
  16. Ankeila

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    1. The Gathering - Travel 2. The Gathering - Travel 3. The Gathering - Travel 4. Lamb - Heaven 5. My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow 6. Fever Ray - When I Grow Up 7. Pet Shop Boys - Love etc. 8. Steely Dan - Do It Again 9. New Order...
  17. Ankeila


  18. Ankeila

    [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Textures - Results!

    Re: [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - b&w w/ a pop of color~ Voting! Beginners: 04 05 Intermediate: 04 05 09 Advanced: 05 12 17 140x140: 01 06 15
  19. Ankeila

    Prison Break

    I actually liked the Final Break, it was a much more fitting ending. Although I have to say I kind of wish Michael survived, I mean the guy just can't seem to catch a break. The last few minutes were heartbreaking, for me anyway. I really enjoyed the series.
  20. Ankeila

    CSI Miami Icon Challenge #50 - Happiness is in the Air - Voting!

    Re: CSI Miami Icon Challenge #45: Natalia - Voting! Beginners 03 06 09 Advanced 16 13 20 120x120 03 06 07 140x140 02 10 04