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  1. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Oh he sure does know how to wear a suit! :drool: Some more, they're a bit small though: One Two Three I wish I had this one without the watermark..
  2. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Nice finds Dizzney! I read about that once, wait let me find it. Here it is, though you might have already read it: ''As a teenager in Mukwonago, actor Eric Szmanda was a bit of a rebel. After reading Jerry Rubin’s anti-establishment manifesto Do It, he led an anti-censorship campaign when the...
  3. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Hope these haven't been posted yet! One :drool: Two Three Four And an interview cap
  4. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Thank you!! I've been looking everywhere for more interviews.
  5. Ankeila

    I Have A CSI Music question.

    That would be Everywhere by Michelle Branch :)
  6. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    You're right, it wasn't posted in this thread, sorry! I've probably come across that picture on the web a lot. Anyway, three more that I think I haven't seen here yet! :drool: One Two Three
  7. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    I think that one has been posted, well I know I've seen it because I remember thinking the same thing about his hands:adore: He's got beautiful hands. I also found another picture of him in that suit.:drool:
  8. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Two more I haven't seen here yet: One Two In case you don't have these yet: One Two Three Four
  9. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Not sure if I've seen this one here yet :) And another one. Also, uploaded some more pictures! :drool: ETA: One more. Or if you want a bigger version of that one.
  10. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Some more :hugegrin: One Two In case anyone missed these in the other thread, more Eric in a suit: :drool: Looking good in that suit.
  11. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    No problem! One more Oh, sweet, they just uploaded pics from the closing ceremony :D One Two Three ps: I hope someone finds the full versions of all these.
  12. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    ^ I know I meant 'Finally some new pics' but I got excited I guess :D Anyway, more pics to enjoy !:drool: One Two Three Four Five Six
  13. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Interesting interview! They've uploaded the last part too.
  14. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    The 'Did I say it right' was adorable, thanks for the two links! :hugegrin: I found a short interview (not a video) in French. I'm too lazy to fully translate it, but the Google translation is alright. Btw: CSI is called Les Experts in France, that's why they're talking about experts, and 'I...
  15. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    I was just about to post those haha, I love all the new pictures. :D I'm drooling all over my keyboardOh my Lord, I just found this one. I seriously need a drool bucket over here.:drool: Edit: Here's a bigger version of it. :adore: 2nd edit: Some more photos. :drool: And a polaroid. I have...
  16. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    They just posted a new picture! Love this one. :drool:
  17. Ankeila

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    #2 :lol:
  18. Ankeila

    CSI Icons #6: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Thanks! Snag away :)
  19. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #8

    Nice finds Stokes4Me, thanks! He looks szmokin' as always! And can't wait to see that interview.
  20. Ankeila

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #35 - Results

    Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #30 - Now Up! Great work everyone! :thumbsup: A.1 B.2 C.2 D.2 E.1 F.1 G.1 H.1 I.2 J.2 K.2 L.2 M.1 N.2 O.2