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  1. Ankeila

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    Thanks for the link! Press release for 10.03 Working Stiffs: So I guess Jorja/Sara isn't in this ep. But Wayne Knight guest stars, loved him on Seinfeld.
  2. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    I believe it means Blu-ray Disc Live. You can connect your Blu-ray player to the internet and then you can download some exclusive content I think. I read that you can download three videos and one is supposedly of Eric. Wish I could see it but I'm not buying a Blu-ray player anytime soon..
  3. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Yeah thankfully there were some more scenes with him in that Behind The Scenes video. And well, I can't watch it until Friday evening so I guess two hours after it airs isn't that bad, Dizzney :p Also, has anyone with the Blu-ray edition of season 9 checked out that BD-Live feature? I read...
  4. Ankeila

    "Family Affair" Tenth Season Premiere Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I believe someone just posted a slightly better version of it in the spoiler thread. Anyway, Marg was on the Late Late Show yesterday and in the beginning they showed a clip of the premiere. It's on youtube (thanks to MargaMania ;)) Hmm, Ecklie thinks there's a discipline problem. He does...
  5. Ankeila

    "Family Affair" Tenth Season Premiere Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The 'Sara's Back' video has definitely made me more excited for the premiere. I loved SuperDave in action and the Doc hitting that guy with his cane :lol: I think the title of the book Nick was reading was "Caring for your arachnid'. Which makes sense because he was holding some sort of...
  6. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Too bad Eric didn't get to speak during the actual airing of ET. And that there were no clips with Greg. :( Can't say I'm that surprised though. But we did get a little laugh.
  7. Ankeila

    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    Thanks for all the pics, Erica! I love her shoes. I came across some pics of Marg on the Late Late Show (which airs Monday I think). Sorry if they've already been posted! 01 02 03 04 05 06
  8. Ankeila

    Season 10: *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    Just one small picture for Working Stiffs (10x03), but thought I'd post it anyway. Nick and Ray "Nick and Ray try to stop a robbery gone horribly awry"
  9. Ankeila

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

    Yeah, I believe they've all called him Greggo at one point. Warrick said it in The Hunger Artist, I remember because it was in the ass check scene :lol: They probably have their own nicknames at home, that's what I'm gonna go with anyway :D I do hope they all kind of miss Riley, but maybe Nick...
  10. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Older woman? I think George said Greg was interested in the old mob. On a shallow note: he did look hot. :D Those broad shoulders.. :drool:
  11. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Here's a clip of tonight's ET interview with the cast thanks to Erica who posted the link in the Marg thread. Was it me or didn't he really know the theme song (or he just wasn't in the mood to hum along) :lol:
  12. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Yeah, I wish it was this week too. But I think that interview with the cast on ET is this thursday. I believe Wallace Langham was there last month actually.
  13. Ankeila

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    Not a very interesting sneak peek, Langston again.. As for the crossover, I'm pretty sure it's just Langston going to Miami and NY. I've read some casting sides and it only mentions him getting out of a helicopter in Miami and he was asked to come there because there are two cases with similar...
  14. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #9

    Yeah, I hope he keeps his hair like that for a while. :adore: Congrats Stokes4Me! I got some more new pics to :drool: over in the meantime if you don't mind.. Doesn't he just look great as always.
  15. Ankeila

    Robert David Hall / Doc Robbins Society

    Okay, I just had to post this pic :lol: Robert at the opening of CSI:The Experience.
  16. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #9

    And more..:drool: :adore: Love the hair With Paul One more With Paul again Trying to see the ribbon get cut Another one
  17. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #9

    Some more..:drool: With Jorja Everyone Without the watermark :) ETA: One more Another one more Haha, we're posting at the same time egeria :lol:
  18. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    There's a short preview on the ET website in which you can see them humming the theme. Looking forward to seeing the interview, so hopefully it'll be on YouTube. Thanks Dizz, and here's a video clip of Eric walking the red carpet! ETA: that cute laugh really short glimpse
  19. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #9

    We got new pics! :D So far I only found some small ones, but he's looking good. It does look like his hair is a bit more messy on top. Looking good in that suit :drool:
  20. Ankeila

    Season 10: *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    They're probaby all old pics except the ones of Laurence and Marg (I think). But the ad is nice, thanks kaylyne! I like how the neon sign says CSI.