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  1. Ankeila

    Season 10: *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    I love all the behind the scenes pics DLA posted. Anyway, here are the bigger versions of those pics of Sara, Ray and Brass from Better Off Dead (10x10) thanks to Pizquita if anyone's interested. 01 02 03 04 05
  2. Ankeila

    "Lover's Lanes" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The promo's look good, I'm definitely looking forward to this episode, especially after reading here that there's a bowling-related arc for Greg. (I love this little quote "But after two-handing a shot out to the twig and watching it scream back to destroy the pocket, Mr. Szmanda was hooked and...
  3. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Found some time to post one set :) CSB Cares Children CSI Logo Camera Corpse Cellphone
  4. Ankeila

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    The chat is interesting. He says Hawkes will get a love interest and that Carmine is writing a script for the show.
  5. Ankeila

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    I was thinking the same thing. Can't say I would mind some less Langston in an ep. Anyway, don't know if this has been posted yet but Bobby D is going to be in an upcoming episode. Not sure which one, I think either 10x09 (the one with plenty of Henry) or 10x10.
  6. Ankeila

    I Have A CSI Music question.

    I believe it's Blood On My Hands by The Used.
  7. Ankeila

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #6

    Five Ten Fiftyfold - Cocteau Twins Immature - Björk Try Again - Aaliyah Feeding the Undead - Bloodbath Rendezvous at Sunset - Kylie Minogue To Forgive Is To Suffer - Death Into The Void - Black Sabbath Skin - Madonna Wild - Namie Amuro I Can't Help It - Bananarama
  8. Ankeila

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #43: Greg/Eric/Hawkes - Voting! Top 3 10 03 02 Text - 04 Texture - 14 Color - 02 Most Creative - 05 I would use - 15
  9. Ankeila

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    Yeah I like Sara a lot more now too, especially compared to the last few seasons so I don't really mind seeing her in some more eps. Anyway, the press release for 10.06: Vartann's in it! :)
  10. Ankeila

    Season 10: *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    Maybe you're right Dizzney. Well, they're at least giving me some hope that it's not going to be all about Langston. Anyway, some HQ versions of the pics, credit to roby777. :) Greg Hodges, Cath, Greg and Wendy Ray, Nick and Hodges Ray, Cath, Greg and Nick Catherine Nick and Brass I'm also...
  11. Ankeila

    Season 10: *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    It's Greg, alone, in a promo pic! :adore: Can't wait for that one in HQ. :drool: Alright, the other pics from The Lost Girls from BelgaPicture (with a watermark unfortunately). Hodges, Catherine, Greg and Wendy on a pizza break Nick and Brass Ray, Cath, Greg and Nick Ray and Nick Langston...
  12. Ankeila

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #42: Circles - Results! Oh I didn't know there was a new challenge already (thread title hasn't been changed), but I love Greg so I think I'm in if I can find some time :D
  13. Ankeila

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    Yeah, I was just wondering from which ep those pics of Sara with the team were, and they're from Coup de Grace, so I guess they forgot to include her in the press release.. And I like Enrique, I've seen him a few times on Without A Trace.
  14. Ankeila

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    Press release for Coup de Grace (10x04). So Enrique Murciano is our new recurring detective (with the Ph.D in hotness :lol:). Although I thought he was supposed to be working with Sara, but apparently she isn't in this episode after all.
  15. Ankeila

    Season 10: *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    Yeah, I saw the other pics! I still wish it wasn't just Langston going there.. Anyway, HQ versions of the promo photos from Coup de Grace thanks to roby777 :) I'm happy to finally see Greg and Brass in some pics! The team Nick Cath Ray Brass and Nick More Nick The team again
  16. Ankeila

    Season 10: *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    Pic from the crossover: Mac and Ray And there are some nice new promo pics for Coup de Grace (10x04), but I just have the small ones for now. Cath Ray Nick The team Brass and Nick
  17. Ankeila

    Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

    Love all the textures, GNRF! I love making them myself too. Duke, I don't have any CSI:NY dvd's but I found a site with some caps for you: Grounds for Deception Pay Up
  18. Ankeila

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    Alright, I found some scans of the new TV Guide Magazine thanks to fox1 which has some new info about the characters: Greg: The lab guy-turned-CSI is tired of being seen as the kid on the team, so this season, he's looking for some respect. Says Szmanda, ''He's not happy with the way things...
  19. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Yeah, me too, me too. But what about some Eric stuff in the meantime?! I found two new videos on Getty Images from an event to Stop Puppy Mills. One is just him posing but the other one is an interview. I'm glad he supports the cause because I've always been a real animal lover myself and I...
  20. Ankeila

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #9

    Congrats Wojo! :) There are some new pics again! They're from a benefit that was held yesterday to stop puppy mills. One Two Three Four Five Six I just realized I recognize his jacket, I believe he wore it last year at that Burma event. :D