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  1. Y

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I love that movie. Everytime I see it I'm always cracking up when he got caught playing his "guitar" not once but twice. I also liked the bashment scene as well when he had that sweat glistening all over his bawwwwwdddddyyyy.
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I would like to see Loving Jezebel as well but I can't find it anywhere :(
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    Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?

    My favorites are Bad Beat because of the scene when Hawkes,Danny and Adam (the guy in the lab) was watching the walrus documentary. I also liked Coporate Warriors. Being a Hawkes fan and all. :) I wasn't really feeling Jamalot or All Access.
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I thought I was the only one who noticed his shirts being tight. I'm glad I'm notthe only one. It's times like this that I wish I was one of the writers on the show because the things that I would have Hawkes do (goes into deep thought) lol. :-)
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    Wait a minute now when is Hawkes going to get some lovin' :). I don't think its healthy to spend all of your time in the lab, at least have him going to a club or to a house party I mean commmmmeeee onnnnnnnnn!
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I third that vote for Playgirl I want to see what is abs look like now I know they have even more defined because I mean look at his shirts and how tight they look in CSI:NY :)
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    ANYONE EVER MET GARY SINISE?.... He touched my hand! Sigh!

    you are one lucky person wish I could meet him even though I'm a Hill Harper fan.:-)
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    I want to see some more Hawkes baby yeah! Enough with the whole DL thing i want to see Hawkes with a girl. I mean after seeing the hil harper thread there is no way Hawkes doesn't have a girlfirend, wife or something. I want to see a background check on this guy.
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    Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

    my vote went to hill as well. I was wondering why his shirt was looking so tight on CSI:NY DAAAAYYYYYYYUUUUUUUUMMMMM!
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    all I have to say after seeing those pics is DAYUM!!!!!
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I would love to see that makes you wanna break out the singles :-)
  12. Y

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    i like the third pic it looks like any minute he's gonna bust out laughing :)
  13. Y

    LOVE Dr. Hawkes!!!!!!!!!

    That's right it's like Hawkes brings something to the showto make the best in it's own way.