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  1. Half

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    No matter what, this episode is going to give me heart failure. And tears. Lots of tears.
  2. Half

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    Yes, a double post, however: Yesterday was Matthew Gray Gubler's birthday. Today is Paget Brewster's. What are the odds of that? In other news, when I first saw the posts that it was Paget's birthday, I was confused, because I thought that her birthday was in November. No, Half, that's Emily's...
  3. Half

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    I'm telling you right now, though- if Strauss tries to turn Emily's loyalty to the team into something illegal, I will lose all of the begruding respect for her that she earned in 100 for the "I'm totally accusing Hotch of murder except for the fact that every question I ask is designed to make...
  4. Half

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    Emily doesn't like lying. Hates it, in fact. That's why she didn't lie to Morgan and Reid, she just kind of evaded everything. It's actually one of my problems with this storyline, how she's starting to lie about what she does and doesn't know. Emily doesn't. lie.. Think about how uncomfortable...
  5. Half

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    I've finally caught up, or at least I've finally seen the last few episodes. First of all, the guy who was killed along with Tsia was a black market guy that made credentials, from what I could tell. I'm a little bit annoyed with Emily for not telling them. I understand why she didn't, and I...
  6. Half

    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl' I couldn't really tell whether they were in a relationship or not. Catherine's reaction and the way her voice shook a bit when Vartann was getting really bad both point to the idea that she's in love with him. To be honest, it...
  7. Half

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 Two things going at once: 1) Star Wars Trilogy, which is the novelization of the original Star Wars movies. (Specifically reading Empire Strikes Back) 2) X-Wing Series #1: Rogue Squadron Can ya tell what I'm a fan of? Lol.
  8. Half

    NCIS #4: *Slap* Nobody Likes A Smartass

    I actually managed to remember it, but you had already answered. *gives self dope slap* Thanks for the help!
  9. Half

    NCIS #4: *Slap* Nobody Likes A Smartass

    I've probably asked at least one of these questions before, but does anyone know what the name of these episodes are? 1) The episode where Tony and Ziva are protecting some guy. Two men come through separate doors to try to kill him, and Ziva shoots both of them simultaneously while on the...
  10. Half


    I haven't seen Castle in a while (since the murder of the psychic earlier this season), but I just had to come and squee for a moment about this pic. I am dead. That is all.
  11. Half

    Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

    That's what was bothering me. I couldn't quite put my finger on what felt wrong with that scene, but you hit the nail on the head, PalmTree. Yeah, Hodges probably would've fought to keep her. But in the end, if he really cared about her (which he clearly does), he would've let her go. It...
  12. Half

    Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

    The ending was just... random, honestly. It was like the writers realized that Liz had been fired and went "oh... crap. we already had that episode written." So they went back and threw a scene in that seemed sort of disjointed...
  13. Half

    Episode 9x01 - "Fallen" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    You know, I thought I saw something like that, but I was kind of confused about why that would be so I mostly just ignored it. :lol:
  14. Half

    Episode 9x01 - "Fallen" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I was actually surprised by my enjoyment of the premiere. The speed of the revival of everyone seemed off at first, until I remembered that CSI:NY episode that dealt with the guy that looked dead but wasn't. Mac "killed" a mouse and it came back to life almost as soon as oxygen was reintroduced...
  15. Half

    "Blood Moon" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    1) Squee! 2) Why is Jorja still listed as a Guest Star if she is in the opening credits? 3) I'm half looking forward to this episode. If they play up the similarities to Twilight, I'll be annoyed. But other than that, it might be interesting. It kind of reminds me of that one Castle episode...
  16. Half

    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    *pouts* Don't mention that upcoming event, GNRF. It just makes me sad. I refuse to believe it until it actually happens, because I will be the unhappiest fan since those of Firefly. Seriously. I started watching in Season 3, so Gideon leaving and Elle being gone never bothered me. Even when I...
  17. Half

    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'
  18. Half

    Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

    Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'
  19. Half

    "Pool Shark" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    1) Hodges didn't play the practical jokes. 2) He was jealous, yes, but that's Hodges. 3) He wasn't really throwing a hissy fit until after he had already had his heart broken, unless I missed something during the conversation between him and Wendy because my dorm decided to make a lot of noise...