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  1. Half

    "Irradiator" Disscussion *SPOILERS*

    ~ The mother kind of confused me. Did she get shot the first time or not? ~ Nick+Child=Adorable ~ “It was him. …right?” ~ *frowns for doggeh* ~ Is it just me or have the CSIs been more guns-out-clearing-houses this season? ~ Do not blame the dog. Dogs are dogs. Not to blame the...
  2. Half

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    The episode was fine, I thought, but it wasn't really CMy. I kind of forgave it for that because it was a backdoor pilot so I didn't expect it to be a normal episode. I enjoyed the banter between Em and Mick, mostly because he seemed to only be doing it to irritate her. And her responses were...
  3. Half

    Grade 'Rest in Peace, Marina Garito'

    ~This is one of those "middle of the ep" beginnings, isn't it? ~Oh look, it is. Or... not? Or is she having prophetic dreams? ~I love upset-Stella. Especially when she's in defiant-mode. ~Adam hitting on Aubrey was hilarious. ~Useful!Potential Girlfriend. Nice. ~Stella. FAIL on watching your...
  4. Half

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    Actually, Destiny, while I don't really think that will actually be the dialogue, it sounds a lot like something she'd say.
  5. Half

    "Irradiator" Disscussion *SPOILERS*

    Wow, I guess I haven't paid enough attention to stuff like that. Which, in a way, I suppose is a good thing, because then I'm not trying to figure out how some people got out of jail. :lol: I'm torn here. I don't want it to be Thursday because I need to go back to school, but I want it to be...
  6. Half

    Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'The Panty Sniffer'

    The writers can't seem to get past the "ladies man" concept for Nick that they had back in S1. It's like they sometimes don't remember that it's ten years later. I still can't figure out why Catherine would try to tackle a man that was bigger than her when she had a gun that was perfect for the...
  7. Half

    Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel"

    Re: Emmanuelle/Angell thread #1- Detective "Angel" I think the budget cut thing was back when there was a more serious problem. The episode was written and prepared long before the episode aired, so the economic situation wasn't the same. Plus, budgets for guest stars and minorly recurring...
  8. Half

    "Irradiator" Disscussion *SPOILERS*

    As soon as I heard the title I wondered if it had something to do with radiation. It makes the most sense with this Dr. Jekyll storyline. I never even thought of that, GNRF. They do have warnings for radiation, don't they? The killer from the pilot is back? I'm assuming that he's not playing...
  9. Half

    Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'The Panty Sniffer'

    I think I have to agree with everything that was said in this review. The ep was too off, too cliched, and too damsel-in-distress. And they could've had a MUCH better title. Fine, give us a messed up episode that I'll fastforward through half of later when I'm rewatching the other half. But...
  10. Half

    Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

    WENDY: You are the dumbest smart guy I know. It's funny cuz it's true. She knows it and tells him and he still can't figure it out and it's been almost two years. :lol: She's probably so patient when it comes to him because she knows he's not really trying to be a jerk. He just sometimes kinda...
  11. Half

    Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

    Well, if we don't have enough new stuff, we might as well go back and tear apart every other millisecond of screentime. :lol: I didn't really like SO because of the fantasies which were, IMO, a bit overdone. However, I loved it for the little scene at the end when they figure out what the...
  12. Half

    Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

    I don't remember the first point (from the episode, that is), but they're all very good ones, riddick. Something is different. Space Oddity was something new for them. It was like they realized that they had a lot more in common than they thought. And the longer the episode went on, the more...
  13. Half

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    Sweet! Something to distract me from my hopeless Wedges obsessing!
  14. Half

    Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

    *laughs* We've been talking about a half-millisecond of a promo for about two pages, so I'm not really surprised. We haven't been given enough to not obsess over little scenes. Well, for a while they've been doing the back and forth with this snarky-or-not-snarky. Some scenes are interesting...
  15. Half

    Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

    Was the "One to Go" deleted scene the one where she commented on the color of his couch out of nowhere? Because yeah, that was definitely interesting. Happy Easter to you, too! :D As I read my CSI novels, I'll post if there's anything else Wedges in them, btw.
  16. Half

    Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

    Oh, the three years is only since Lab Rats, the first time I noticed Wedges as a possible ship. I've been a fan of CSI since, like, season 3. I probably would've watched from even earlier than that if S1 didn't air when I was 7 or 8. :lol: Mhm. I thought it was incredibly likely and that's...