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  1. L

    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    nwolfson22 Thanks for the welcome and the compliment. I like to back my comments up with with accurate facts from the episodes. I just need to learn how to make them shorter :) I'm a HUGE fan. Always loved the show but seriously got into it in S3 and really loving what they are doing with the...
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    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Thanks. Sorry for the long delay in response. I do think the love-hate relationship does make it interesting but I hate that somehow no matter what Ryan does or who he hurts whether Eric is there or not somehow it's always seen as Eric's fault. Ryan and Eric equally engage in petty disputes...
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    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    Deleted...Shouldn't have commented in this thread. Sorry.
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    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hello All, I’m new to the board and this is my third time delurking on a thread that really catches my attention. Of course, after my comments a great many of you may want me to go back to lurking and stay there :) I’m reading all the comments about the last two episodes and agree with those...
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    Dear Writers...

    E/C - Thank you so much for putting them together and ending the will they/won’t they nonsense. As a fan who loves this storyline I beg you please for once DON’T take a rule out of the TV relationship rule book and do the “I love you/I hate you” drama or the “make up to break up to make up again...
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    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    GregNickRyanFan, OMG thank you so much. No, I didn't know that I appreciate the heads up. Sorry for taking up so much space. Agree with you totally about Calleigh. This was a disservice to her character and I hope they stay away from this crap in the future. She never struck me as the...
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    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    Thanks for being so patient. I was by no means trying to change your mind just wanted to jump in as I happen to be somewhat in the middle. I can see both sides of the issues and do agree there needs to be a happy medium. If they're going to do the relationship they don't need to jack it up and...
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    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    mjszud, I was the one that said that the E/C characters had been on the show since the beginning and along with H were the leads on the show. I by no means meant that everyone else was unimportant. I do think that they along with Horatio and Alexx before she left and Speed before he was...
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Miami

    Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: Miami CSI Ali could you tell me what episode the clip on the bottom of your signature is from with Eric in the green shirt and Calleigh going up to him. I've never seen this and just wondering what episode this is from? Thanks!
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    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    Hello all, I’m new to the board and was curious when I saw this post. It’s interesting to see the opposing viewpoint of those who don’t like the E/C arc. As someone who actually likes the storyline, I have to admit after reading this thread I do agree with some of the points made here. I would...