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  1. L

    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    With all the shooting they do for a TV series I can't imagine adding extra hours on top of that to keep up with a regular fitness routine. It's just not right that it does seem to show up quicker on women than on men. Also, the camera adds ten pounds to you on screen (used to do camera for...
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    **Spoiler Lab** You Know You Can't Resist!

    Hi all, Let me preface this with I love Emily Procter think she's beautiful and don't mean this as an insult at all. Now with that being said maybe the color is an Emily choice. It's a slimming color and while she is by no means overweight she does look like she's more rounder than she has...
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Agreed! An unbiased reviewer actually sees the chemistry and she's the same one who actually suggested that Eric might be jealous or he could be getting obsessive when he had a little moment in Target Specific. People do need to get over it. It's done let's move on. Actually I kind of wonder...
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Completely agree as well. They are very natural and their chemistry is great. Also agree with whoever said Nat is growing on them. Same here. She has finally started to win me over and I think it's because she and Eric are good friends. I do think it's interesting that EdEN fans think that...
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    The Screentime Tallyboard

    I do see what you mean. I don't really follow ELR so I'm not sure how long she's been planning but what prompted me to say it was looking at season 6 and then how little she's actually been seen in season 7. One scene per episode if that was really scaled down and it just seemed like the only...
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    The Screentime Tallyboard

    Wow...I posted on another thread saying how much it was nice to see the team working together again. Hence more screen time for every one. It was nice to see Natalia do more than process a tube of liquid. As much as I love E/C I agree with you MaddyAnn it was nice to see both Eric and...
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    Episode 7x22 - 'Dead on Arrival' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Loved this episode for all the things most folks have already listed. It actually reminded me of the old CSI Miami when everyone got along. I loathe reality shows especially The Bachelor and CSI did a great job showing how lame they can be. I've never been a Nat fan but I have to say she has...
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Same here. I thought there was definately a double meaning there especially when he said in the death business we call that a great start. Well they are in the death business and while the clue was a great start I also think he meant their romantic relationship was off to a great start. The...
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Re: Eric and Calleigh #36 Hello All, I have been gone for a little bit and had made up my mind not to post again but alas this topic is just too good to pass up and I had to add my two cents even if they are a little late. :) Agree with those that didn't like the Jake storyline. That was...
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    Eric and Calleigh #35 She's His Gal; He's Her Dude

    Hopefully, I haven't missed the chance to add my two cents to the letter. I actually would love it if they didn't do the break up to make up thing. Keep them together. What I love about the relationship is the friendship turned to romance. I would love for them to keep it going and do it...
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Well said Hiphugger17, Couldn't agree more but then you know that already :thumbsup:. I do want the confident Eric back. I like the sensitive, internal, less angry Eric and the confidence to that mix would be great.
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Oooh. Now this is a thread a like. I was beginning to think Eric Delko couldn't get any love anymore. Nice to know I was wrong :) Love all the epi you guys have listed. Have to add Nailed to the list. -His anger and frustration at Wolfe in telling him if he thought Ryan could...
  13. L

    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I was referring to the first interrogation when Eric and Ryan were in the room with the suspect. According to the caption on the TV Eric said "Now what the hell IS THIS all about?" Ryan responded "What?" trying to act like he didn't know what Eric was referring to...He did of course but...
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    Dear Writers...

    Dear Writers: 1. Adding to my original list...please, please, please don't make Eric some crazy psycho. Calleigh's been there and done that with John Hagen and there's no need to recycle that storyline. As someone else said, don't take the easy way out...don't do it...don't you dare! We'll...
  15. L

    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    Thank you GregNickRyanFan, I looked all over for this and finally asked a moderator. I appreciate the help and the paticence with a newbie who has gone back to lurking for the time being. :)
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    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    starzsgirl, My sincerest apologies for commenting. First and foremost I've only delurked like four times now so I am still learning the rules and I didn't realize that saying something was anti vs dislike was considered out of bounds and offensive. Yes, I read the rules just didn't see this...
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    Eric/Calleigh romance - why we dislike it. **spoilers**

    mjszud I agree and it wasn't my intent to state that there was anything wrong with disliking them, my issue was with the constant bashing I was seeing of the characters without any examples of where that applied. For instance my stating Eric/Ryan or whoever is a jerk doesn't have much...
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    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    You got it! Sorry about that. I thought I was editing the posts but didn't realize I was doing it incorrectly. So Sorry...I do not mean to spam or triple post. Thank you for the tip!
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    Episode 7x20 - Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Thanks hiphugger17, I agree, he is definately passionate about what he does but I would say AR has done a great job recreating Eric and making him quieter and more thoughtful. He internalizes more and that's why I say in these last two episodes we saw more of the old Delko and I loved it...