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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" gonna wont be very good but..ill try Dear Danny and Lindsay, ok. this one is for lindsay first... WOMAN!LOOK AT are so...frustrating at times..he is the hottest man you will ever meet,and he totally likes you and WE...
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" yeah..i have seen it..i love it remember..anyways..those notes you guys are writting are priceless..i would give it a try but it would end up being lame..and just kidding :D im out love allie... and moriel...your so crazy i love...
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    haha..'how very lindsay of you' oh im so stealing that line..thanks!!!!!!
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" *raises hand high* 16 know youve hit it big when its only a week and youve gone from like pg 2 to pg 16..holy crud..any way.who ever did the picture on page did a nice job..i dont remember who it was but nice job...
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" nice pic..yeah i think its a manip..but anyway..nice senerio ladeebear..i was to upset about her joining that i never thought that she could be good..ok you won me over..ill look at her positively
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    i would love to see her and stella work together..i dont think there was enough last season.. as for the whole...lab not in Bozeman thing..i think its great..funny..and i now find myself loving the state of Montana..whos with me? im out love allie
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" oh i totally vote for jealous danny..its cuter.. im out love allie
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    i like her wadrobe. it seems professional to me, and i like that its not to 'flashy' or 'showoffy' and that she keeps a very 'casual' look, it looks like she could really work in a crime lab. im out love allie
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    oh im very sorry...its what i meant to say..i was just so tired i could hardly keep my eyes open..and ive come to know them as the characters they i refer to them somtimes..its my mistake..very sorry..thanks for pointing it out :D im out love allie
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" oh Moriel .. i see you come back and allie doesnt even get a 'hey i missed you' ..of course i see how it you dont get any of my M&MS--- AND THEY ARE REALLY COOL!!! JK ..welcome back *HUG* glad you had fun :D im out love allie
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" hey..i dont know where she got them, but she just handed them to me, they looked like a normal bag of M&MS but then i opened them and went to eat them and shes like 'i wouldnt do that if i were you' and i looked at it and it said 'danny'..and my...
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    wow..i havent been here for a long time..sorry guys *hugs*...i think its funny when mac calls her Anna...i thought i heard it to but no one believed i know its true..go US!!! i like that he does..cuz the show is about human character..and forensics..but it showed that Mac is human and...
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" thank you for agreeing w/ me..but oh my mom..did the best thing for me..she ordered a pack of M&MS for me..but these arent just any M&MS..these say 'danny' and 'lindsay' and some say 'd/l love' on them..OH MY GOSH..AHHHHHH *FREAKING OUT*
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" oh thank you for the welcome back..but honestly when i heard about the new detective i was shocked..i dont want anything to compermise the d/l 'relationship' that would end badly..and someone would be beaten down..harshly.....with a...
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    Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows" HI EVERYONE..IM BACK..oh i missed you all..and i missed d/l more than anything..while i was at camp..all i at were M&M'S people thought i was so weird..but CONGRATS FOR OUR NEW FORM!!!!! DANNY/LINDSAY #9 ..YEAH...*THROWS CONFETTI* THIS IS THE NAME...
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    well everyone..i go to camp in a day, so i wont be on for another week [i know your gonna miss me soooo much..i hope]but before i go.i just wanna thank you all for being so kind to guys are the ill be thinkin of ya'll..and dont forget bout me during the week... im out love allie
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    I AGREE!!! YAY for being back on the subject****!!!!! :lol:
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    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    *hugs* audacity - thought i would return the favor she does look really young..hey thanks for the pics..i love the first one..she looks so offended..its just the coolest picture, i dont know why just makes me smile oh btw Radical ..that is the coolest picture offically rock im...