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  1. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    What's up Lovers and Lovettes! Glad you like my work guys! You know, I loved Bull. A lot. They should have more episodes like this. I agree with Wojo, if this turns out to be the last episode of the season...WHAT A SEASON. No more GSR or Sara and a lot of Nick and Greg!!!!! I re-watched...
  2. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Glad you like my banner Queen!!!!!!!!! I loved your recap Candy. I'm going to re-watch it Sunday and see if there are any little things I notice during the second time around. Like how Nick and Greg were sitting oh-so-close during interview. Nice to see you Rebecca. *huggs* You can go to...
  3. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Well, that makes me second!!! :D I LOVED it. Yes, our chanting didn't do any type of good, but there wasn't a card at all. The scene kind of *ended*, so it didn't look as if there was anything cut...but you never know. Other than that......... AWESOME!!!!!!! How come they are always...
  4. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Well, I sent Queen her new banner. Let's hope she shows if off later. That is, if she's happy with it. Hi Seabird! Nice to see you! *huggs* Only one more day until "Bull." Tonight I'm watching new Ghost Hunters. I'm sure Shacky will be too. :D Yes, hopefully that Chapel scene (which is...
  5. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Aww...So cute. Love this idea. I'm thinking of earlier episodes. Hm? There's the famous scenes where it's obvious Greg is trying to make Nick jealous. "$35K OBO" and then in "Face Lift." ***** Wow, I've been busy! lol My site is booming off the walls and I'm working hard getting fans...
  6. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Queen, you can ask me to make a banner! If fact, don't ask, tell, I will. :p Just PM or email me with your idea. :) *huggs Shacky and Jon 'til they can't breath!* Nice to see you pop in again Jon! Always Love your posts! Don't be a stranger, ok? Kelly! No worries, as long as you don't forget...
  7. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Take your time suckerforasmile! :D Thanks for liking my video(s). No, Tristianna, that video wasn't mine. My name is twins1729 wherever you go. BTW guys, I don't want to be a negative nancy, but you aren't allowed to link to YouTube videos. You can go in the special thread or tell people...
  8. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    First off - WELCOME Tristianna and AnastaziaMarie!!!!!!! It's always nice to see new faces coming into the Fort! All for our boys, too! :D Wonderful card Shazza! I was at working on New Years Eve until midnight. *sighs* *huggs suckerforasmile* Are you still planning to finish. (I can't...
  9. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I think Nick and Greg's new years resolution will be to spend more time with each other (and for us, more flirting in the lab, :p). Those poor boys have to work all the time! They're probably lacking in bedroom action, but they're our boys, you know they find a way! :devil: I bet when they're at...
  10. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Happy belated Birthday Clarrisani! Glad to see the CSI premiere is soon for you Shazza and Candy. So, I was ready to make more Love videos (after I help with yours, Shazza), but then one of my Nuke friends goes and sends me the recent clips. Now I have to make a New Years video...
  11. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Thanks for the caps and the little bit from the novel to Jay! Greg does talk about porn a lot. You wanna bet he stares at the male body part a little more than a straight man would? lol Of course! Shazza, I haven't been able to get on my dad's computer since...before Christmas, lol. When I...
  12. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Hi lil_love_fan! *hugs tightly*! Thanks for popping in. I voted for their anniversary too. I can Nick and Greg coming up with many different things to give/do each other. :devil: They are some naughty boys. You can just tell. Great other subtexty moments you ask Stacy...I really can't think of...
  13. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    It's okay Clarrisani. I'll be looking forward to whatever you can get done. Since I really can't get any of those things, it will be nice to see how Love related they are. Thanks for liking my picture, I threw it together early, early this morning when I couldn't sleep. I don't know what the...
  14. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I agree shazza, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. :) Let's just hope for some good Lovin'. My sister and I treated ourselves to a special Christmas presant, we watched "Grave Danger"! The song in the beginning does say "it was Christmas in Las Vegas" :p. Don't argue with that...
  15. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Hello everyone! Long time, no see. Let me give you a play-by-play explanation of my absence: Laptop cord broke-bought a new one-new one was too large-decided to fix broken one instead-fixed broken one. See, there you go. Now I'm back to 100%! Yay! So, I got to thinking about Nick and Greg...
  16. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I'm here! *jumps up and down waving hands* I'm here! I'm not dead, lol. Candy, PM me back whenever you can. I'd love to make you a new banner. :) If anyone else wants a new banner (or avatar), all you have to do is ask! I've been working on the CSI: Wiki lately. :) Which is good. I'm almost...
  17. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I love that loki, what your step dad said, that's so funny. I love your response too! lol. :D My dad's been watching CSI a lot lately and sometimes when he's watching a really slashy episode, I get all nervous, like he'll notice or something. I mean, that's how obvious The Love is to me, and I...
  18. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Welcome bubbles!!! It's always, always, always wonderful to have a new addition to our family of Love!!! Nick and Greg have some of the best subtext and looks!!! It's absolutely amazing!!! :D I'm so glad you decided to join us. I hope you have fun here. As for last night. It was great to Nick...
  19. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Who knows if Nick and Greg will ever have the brilliance again of season 2. :( They had so many scenes together and it was wonderful. Not only did they have many scenes, they were all good. Nick and Greg could be thrown together for a whole episode and they still wouldn't have the same amount of...
  20. twins1729

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Hey ladies and gents! Can't wait for tonights episode. :) Hopefully it'll have a good amount of our boys! Stacy and I have started an RPG over on Defining Moments of The Love. I guess I'll link to it since it's a fan fiction technically and rated PG As Las Vegas Turns Also, I have the Upcoming...