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  1. S

    Happy Birthday!

    Yey! *throws confetti and hands out cake* Thanks. ^__^
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    Careers...or what do you want to do with your working life?

    Uhm... I think I actually always wanted to draw... But what did I do? I went to Teacher Training College. >_< Definately a wrong choice. I finished it, teached for about 4 months and then quit. Anyway, I'm now on persuit of my dreamjob: Illustrator.
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    Dislike a Ship?

    Re: worst couples !!!! I've got the feeling I have to jump to Greg's defence here... Greg's definately not childish. He likes to joke around and flirt with people, and he likes to talk, but that doesn't make someone childish. Cause Greg's also very smart, and can be serious when he has to be...
  4. S

    How old are You?

    Heh... I'm 22.
  5. S

    Szmanda: 'CSI' Like Holding Onto A Flying Rocket

    *giggles and pats Eric on the head* :'3
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    Lombard: Sophia's No Science Geek

    *grumbles* I don't like Sophia, so I don't mind seeing her go...
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    Eric Szmanda

    *pets Eric* That's great. ^__^
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    Happy Birthday!

    Happy birthday
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    Elements of Style: Grammar Errata and Other Resources

    Oh, that's very helpful. I've been wresteling with 'to' and 'too' for a while now... :'3
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    What are you reading?

    I'm currently re-reading Double Dealer, but I want to read some books from Caroline Graham, and then especially 'The Killings At Badger's Drift'.
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    Best CSI episode ever..

    Naw, not only because of that. It's funny, I'll admit... but I also love the scene with Nick and Warrick. You know, where Nick yells 'You can not be serious!' and Warrick responds with 'Hey, John Mackenro, where's the game?' (I'm sure I wrote the name wrong... >_<;;)
  12. S

    Best CSI episode ever..

    There are so many eppies I like... it's hard to choose. But 'Playing with Fire' is definately one of my favorites... I also like 'Gentle, gentle' very much, and 'Let the Seller Beware'... :'3
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    Everyone's age?

    Aww... You're only 5 years older then me... *pats you on the back*
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    'CSI' Companion Due In Late August

    I second that.... <3
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    Everyone's age?

    Hm... 22
  16. S

    Happy Birthday to Eric Szmanda

    He's got good genes... XD Anyway, happy birthday Eric!! *glomps*
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    Moonves Defends Firings

    Heh.. indeed. And it's the sarcastic side of Brass I like so much... He can be an absolut bastard at times, but he's also really funny... :'3
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    Moonves Defends Firings

    Ah, Brass is cool.. :'3
  19. S

    What will you be looking forward to...?

    Definately CSI:Crime Scene Investigation... We still have to see some eppies from season 4 over here though...