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    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! Oh god, it's the SHMAG!! Eric's not middle aged... *giggles* Loving the pictures, by the by. :'3
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    Icon Challenge #3: POTC - Captain Jack Sparrow - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #3: POTC - - Captain Jack Sparrow Congrats to the winners. :3
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    Icon Challenge #3: POTC - Captain Jack Sparrow - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #3: POTC - - Captain Jack Sparrow 4 2 10
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

    Well... in the Pilot, Nick solved his 100th case, and became CSI 3. I don't think Greg is anywhere near solving 100 cases. I don't know what it takes to become a CSI 2 though. :3
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Yay! And your fic rocks. *nods*
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    How long ago was it that you wrote him? Cause you know... I sent my letter over a year ago, and I only now got a reply. Not that I mind the wait... *grins* Well, it wasn't really a wait, cause I didn't expect a reply. XD So, a themepark huh? :3 *whisks off to read fic*
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Good to hear you're feeling better, shacky. :3 And glad you like my icons. ;)
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    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    Yeah, I don't really trust the spoilers either... Nice Wojo! :3
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Thanks guys. :3 Arg, I have this urge to write/ draw the guys, but I can't think of anything. *pouts* (ahaha... and now I even have gotten a 'flame' on my icons... Really now. XD)
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    New batch. Teasers: Rest HERE *Like? *Comment/Take *Credit
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Aww, they're being so obvious... *pats them*
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Wheee.. :'3 And that picture is awesome Wojo. :'3
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Cool. Can't wait to see it. :3
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Is that the exact quote? I haven't seen Rashomama yet, so...
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    *pats* That's okay. :3 I'm making icons, but it's mostly Greg again 'till now. I just can't help it. I see his pretty face and I just have to iconize it. I mean, look! Nhg... *__*
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    *checks Shakcy's Lj* Uhm.. I don't see anything? Anyway... *hugs* Welcome back.
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Ugh.. it's been a while since I made some icons. *prods photoshop* I need to make some time soon...
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Yeah, it rocks. I still have to pull out the picture sometimes just to believe I actually got it. XD *snugs Serenity* That sucks. Hope it gets better soon.
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Cool! I got one too, isn't it awesome?
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    World Cup 2006 and Other Football Stuff #3

    *cuddles Kuyt* *picks him up and sneaks off*