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    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    ^ :lol: :lol: is there a csi detox program?
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    I'm moving to L.A. Advice is requested.

    hahaha :lol: you girls are just too much! :lol: that has to be the most in demand banana ever! :D lol, but i want some, too!!!
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    Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

    Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy! :lol: :lol: MrsG, you crack me up! so you do have some smarts... good to know! ;) :lol: and btw, i think i speak for all of us when i say we support your suit against cbs. if the man is running, let him wear something skimpier. and if that...
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    Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

    Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy! lmfao :lol: :eek: we have lawyers! we should try to come up with some weird twisted reason why it's illegal for carmine to look that good and NOT be given a nude/shower/shirtless scene (in order of preference). :lol:
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    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    i wish i had something worth while to to say and that was more than three lines... :lol: ok, anyways, i don't think i'd like it if stella knew about them first. i just find it weird that it isn't aiden or something, but i can understand the whole 'stella intuition' thing... IMO, hawkes finding...
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    Better Abs: Hill Harper or Carmine Giovinazzo?

    ^lmao! mrsG defending the bootyful buns!! :lol:
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    I'm moving to L.A. Advice is requested.

    ^ ain't it a good thing fred doesn't catch the innuendo? :lol:
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    Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

    OH.MY.GOD!!! the man is yummy :eek: *drools* maybe i should look into working at a golf course just in case... :D i could be his caddy whore :lol: :devil: :D
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    I'm moving to L.A. Advice is requested.

    ^ heh, can have danny for now. :P i'm attending to some other business :D :devil:
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    love that pic, RC! :D :D
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    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    aww, don is such a pretty boy! :D
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    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    :eek: has the ship sprung a leak?!?! we were on the SECOND PAGE! :o
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    Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

    ^ i'm a dog person :P welcome, cheerioats! :D i'm sure you'll fit right in! :D HAPPY B-DAY feenx! :D lucky you! carmine is all yours for the day... :D :devil: have fun :lol:
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    I'm moving to L.A. Advice is requested.

    ^ that would be a reason to cling to him for dear life. :D :lol: :devil: ...but then again, he's scared of the water, too. :(
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    What would you do? game. Not who.

    Re: What would you do??? game. ^ lmfao and wonder how come flack doesn't get to join in the fun! :lol: :D what would you do if mac had to go undercover as a pimp? :lol:
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    Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

    HAPPY B-DAY ThumpyG!! :D
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    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    ^ the parts that were edited out of shakespeare's final draft, eh? *gimme gimmme* :lol: fay, i think that both aspects of his son's...relationship would piss papa flack off. but somehow the gay bit seems like it'd do the most damage. maybe it's something about macho men (how i see papa flack)...
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    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    omg, you too?!?! i was just thinking of romeo and juliet today and thinking of flack climbing onto danny's balcony and being very eloquent etc. :lol: but i didn't go into the whole feuding thing, though it makes sense. "oh flakeo, flakeo. wherefore art thou flakeo?" :lol: doesnt have quite the...
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    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    i haven't been here in ages. naughty me!!! maybe gary should come punish me... :devil: as long as he brings the shades :D and this shirt, and smiles while he spanks me! :D :devil: :lol: